
Showing posts from April, 2021

Beware of health misinformation!

Remember the good old days when most of the time only confirmed and reliable health information used to reach you. Your source of this information was through academic journals, books, newspapers, brochures, booklets, pamphlets, or your doctor's and health organizations.  But the growing social media platforms has created hurdles in the reach of genuine information to the masses. Instead what reaches them is health misinformation through social media posts created by people who have no knowledge about health. These are quacks operating. And social media helps spread this misinformation like fire. This is dangerous. It is playing with the lives of people.  Read here: Politicians vs doctors: believe whom? Most of this information is false and not accurate. It can be misleading. Sadly, even governments assist in spread of this misinformation. Most politicians these days are illiterate and shameless who boast about past and have no vision for the present or the future. Moreover, s...

8 most expensive foods of the world

 Food is an essential commodity and people aim to have a good and nutritious food within their budget.  But there are certain food items that are so exorbitantly expensive that a general person cannot even think about it. So which are these unimaginable but desired food substances in the world?  When we talk of these products we are not talking about fine dining. We are not talking about the finished on-the-plate products, but the core ingredients that are hugely costly. They are beyond a common man's pocket.  1. Vanilla: When we are eating ice creams, many people will frown at this flavor and go fir another one. For them, this is the basic flavor to be ignored. But if you know the cost of vanilla, you may want to have it next time. It costs around USD 4000 per lbs!!! Its flower blooms only fir a few hours in one year and has less pollination. It is not so easily available in market.  Fruits, bananas, and health 2. White truffles: It is an underground fungus tha...

Fruits: Why they are good and how bananas fare over the rest?

 Fruits are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. They are nutritious and healthy but are also relatively costly. People wonder which fruit is best for the body and which they should consume daily! Fruits and availability There are some common fruits that are available everywhere in the world such as apples, oranges, grapes, bananas, papayas but the varieties may vary. Some varieties are sweet and delicious while others may be less so. There are also specific seasonal fruits that come in the market only during the seasons. These are strawberries, pineapples, mangoes, and lychees. And some fruits are exotic meaning thereby that they are not produced locally but are imported from outside the country. These are expensive and include kiwi fruit, dragon fruit, rambutan, durian, mangosteen and the like.  Kiwi fruit and its advantages  Calories and fruits Fruits (Source: Calories info)  Each fruit has different caloric value per 100 gms and they have their own ...

Pallar drink: What are its ingredients and recipe?

Pallar or Mattha is a local beverage of the Indian subcontinent. It is spiced buttermilk and in some states such as Bihar, UP, Tripura, and West Bengal even plain buttermilk is called Mattha. Common ingredients that are used to spice up buttermilk are cumin seeds, cut coriander leaves, cut mint leaves, mustard seeds, curry leaves, salt, and sometimes asafoedita (hing or devil's dung). At some places, sugar is also added. In Nepal, the term Mohi is used for it. It is a good summer drink. It quenches the thirst and also gives one the much-needed salts that are lost with increased perspiration in hot weathers. This is also consumed in Pakistan and Bangladesh.  Uses of Pallar or mattha It is good for hydration especially in hot climate. It can be consumed before, with, or after a meal and is saud to aid digestive process. It is similar to Chaas but is more spicier. It can be called masala chaas.  Pallar drink (Courtesy: Self) Recipe of pallar Usually pallar is made from curd that ...

Preparation for Covid-19 vaccination and post-vaccination care!

 It has more than a year that coronavirus has created a havoc on this planet. It is everywhere and no country is spared of it. There is no cure for infection by this virus and only a vaccine was the hope against it. Two vaccines: Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna and other local vaccines are said to be effective against the deadly virus. Side-effects reported are rare. But there are a few things that one should understand before the jab?  Preparation before the appointment Understand that the vaccination is to boost immunity and protect against the virus. But it has its limitations. 95% effectiveness of the vaccine comes only 2-6weeks after the second dose of the vaccine. The vaccine is not 100% effective and protective. Hence one should take care even after completing the vaccine schedule. One can get the infection even after the vaccine (2 doses) but the infection would be milder in nature compared to those without the vaccine.  Also read: What is triple mutant variant of cor...

Kiwi fruit: Know its origin, nutritive value, recipes, and goodness for babies and pregnant mothers!

Kiwi fruit is a nutritious fruit that is increasingly making its appearance on the shelves of supermarkets and also fruit shops worldwide. But this was not so a few years back. Though slightly costlier than its contemporary fruits, it nonetheless has its own great flavor and taste. But do you know where the fruit originated from?  The origin of Kiwi fruit The word Kiwi makes one feel that the origin of this sweet-tangy fruit was in New Zealand. But this is not true. Though it is produced now in large exportable quantities in New Zealand, it is not a fruit native to that island nation. Yes, kiwi fruit was first grown in the Far East in what is modern-day China. In China, it is called Yang Tao. A principal of a school in New Zealand, Isabel Frazer happened to carry back some seeds of this Yang Tao fruit to New Zealand after she returned from her China travel. This is how it reached the shores of New Zealand.  Kiwi fruit and kiwi bird (Source: Pinterest)  Soon it began to gr...

High blood pressure: What foods to consume to control it?

High blood pressure is called hypertension and it kills silently. As age advances, it is common but remains undetected due to minimal symptoms. Hence regular blood checkups should be done to pick up the elevated blood pressure early and start therapy for it.  Symptoms of high blood pressure Most cases of high blood pressure are packed up when a blood pressure recording is done in a camp or clinic. Some patients might have complaints of dizziness, headache, nausea, and vomiting. But to the common nature of these symptoms, medical consultation is rarely sought for it.  Watermelon and it's health benefits  Some with very high systolic blood pressure (the upper reading)  may have throbbing head aches and even seizures. They may present with vomiting and blurring of vision. The blood vessels in the eye around the optic nerve dilate and get engorged. This is called papillodema.  Damage due to high blood pressure   High pressure on the arteries damages it's walls ...

Triple mutant variant of coronavirus: What it is? How it is different? What are the problems of it?

 Coronavirus has hit the masses of the world badly and is now peaking. The second wave, as expected, is worse than the first wave. The virus has mutated in several countries. And now the virus with multiple mutations is in circulation. This is not good news because increasingly samples with triple mutations are reported from. India. And this mutated virus is replicating and spreading faster than the original virus of December 2019. The caseload is rising and more patients seek medical assistance. Many go for hospitalizations and need critical care with oxygen. Deaths are also more.  Triple mutant variant of coronavirus   Viruses are known to have mutations in order to help them survive, replicate, and remain in the population. Its infectivity and transmission increases with such mutations. Currently, in India triple mutated coronavirus is doing the round.  B.1.167 was a double mutant variant. It was potentially more faster in spreading. Vinod Scaria, a scientist at t...

Watermelon: an excellent summer fruit with lot of health benefits

 Summer is in and thirst is at its height. Drinking plain water quenches the thirst but sometimes it is not so appealing. People look out for tips to keep hydrated in a cool and refreshing way. There is loss of appetite for food. Pulpy fruits and vegetables do not appear attractive to consume during summers. Then what is the option? Fruits with a high content of water such as water melon is a nice alternative to beat the heat, remain hydrated, and yet to not have more sugars.  Advantages of watermelon as a fruit and drink Watermelon is a relatively low cost fruit that is rich in water and potassium. Its high water content of about 90% is useful in hot weathers to keep a person hydrated. It also has several other useful vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants.  It is a member of Family Cucurbitaceae. It may be available with seeds, without seeds, mini forms, with red color pulp or with yellow pulp.  It has low calories but is sweet enough to satisfy the taste buds. The ...

Alcohol: how it damages the brain and other body organs?

 Alcohol is a hard drink that adults like to consume and get addicted to due to its euphoric effect and capabilities to make one forget sorrows. But this does not come without its side-effects. The most prominent effect is on the brain and liver. But other organs also suffer problems directly and indirectly.  Alcohol and ill-effects on brain   Alcohol intoxication has an acute negative impact on the brain. After the initial few glasses of this drink, the drinker feels high and euphoric and the person's hidden desires surface. But as the amount of intake increases, more ill effects appear. There is speech slurring, blurring of vision, incoordination of gait and movements, difficulty in walking, delay of response times, and derangement in memory. The drinker experiences blackouts and remembers nothing about the events. In acute cases, these may resolve but in case of chronic drinkers,  these bad  effects remain for long and in many are irreversible.  Longterm...

Sleep direction: sleep quality and prosperity!

 We sleep wherever our bed direction is and most people do not think about the sleep direction. That is in which direction our head or feet are? But there are some directions that are considered good and others that are considered unlucky. This is what religious beliefs and some ancient practices such as Feng-shui state. But is there any scientific basis for all this? Feng-shui and sleep direction Feng-shui originates from ancient China. It believes that space designing has a lot to do with health. The basis is on the 4 directions (North, South, East, and West) and 5 nature elements namely, air, earth, fire, water, and space. It believes that night sleep quality depends on direction of sleep. Hence, they feel that southward direction of head is good. They also say that keep beds away from windows and doors to allow chi (energy) flow. They recommend bed on the opposite of door to the bedroom. The bed should be against the wall and not in the middle of the room. Do not clutter your b...

Sabja seeds: origin, benefits for health, nutrients, and side-effects!

 Sabja seeds are basil seeds and are also called tukumaria. They are commonly put in cool summer drinks and faloodas. It is a belief in South Asia that it cools the body and refreshes it. More on it below: The sabja seeds They are tiny and black and tear-shaped. Their plant family is Ocimum basilicum. They should be confused with Chia. The plant is a medium-sized shrub and grow in warm tropical climate. They are known since 5000 years back and are part of Vietnamese, Italian as well as Indian dishes and drinks. They are part of most desserts.  Benefits of Sabja seeds These seeds are claimed to have many health benefits. They are usually used soaked in water or fluids such as soft drinks. They swell and acquire a gelatinous nature. It is said that they help in cleansing the stomach wall, help bowel movements, and flushes toxin out of the body. It is fiber rich and has minerals and vitamins in it such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin K, and f...

Sleep positions and their relation to sleep quality

 We sleep in different sleep positions and change it in one night. Sometimes we sleep supine (on back), sometimes on the side, and sometimes on the belly (prone position). But most of us get sleep when after lying down we take up a particular position. Thus, some are tummy sleepers, some side sleepers, and some back sleepers. Every position has some points associated with it. And a particular position might have to be avoided in certain health issues. A quick recap of all these positions. 1. Tummy sleeper Many enjoy this sleep pose and do not get sleep until they go into this position. It gives sleep but can cause neck strains and low back aches. Some say that restlessness might be one result of it though I have not seen it when I strike this pose at nighttime. If you prefer this position for most part of sleeping, then use soft pillow or none at all so that the neck straining is reduced. In this position, some people keep their hands above the pillow on the side while others prefe...

Awful and bizarre rituals and customs of India

 India claims to be cultural, religious, and spiritual. It has a host of weird traditions and rituals that stand to no logic and are a waste of time, efforts, and money. It is unfortunate that education has not changed the mindset of majority of the educated people there and they continue with these 'dead' and meaningless traditions even today. The last few years have seen more of such regressive rituals that benefits no one and harms people and environment.  1. Marriage with animals In this, particular people are made to marry animals such as a dog or goat or a tree. After this, they can marry a human being. Such weddings are done of people who are said to have an ill-luck due to their birth date and time. They are born at some wrong time when the astrological combination was supposedly not good. They are called Mangliks. It is said that whomever they first marry will die. Hence these people are first married to animals or trees so that the curse befalls on the animals or tre...

How to beat the heat of summers? Refreshing drinks and more...

 Summers are awful especially in the Tropics. Most people cannot tolerate it and get uncomfortable and irritable with it. Appetite falls and one is thirsty all the time. Dehydration and salt depletion can set in with excessive sweating. Replenishment of the lost water and salts such as sodium and potassium is vital for well-being. So what should be done? How to beat the heat? 1. Stay indoors as much as possible 2. Use roofs that do not become overheated. 3. Use fans 4. Use air-conditioners but do not let the blast come directly to your face.  5. Shower frequently 6. Do your work in early morning or late evenings 7. Wear light-colored and thin cotton fabrics. Avoid dark clothes and synthetic clothing.  8. Use umbrellas and parasols when outside 9. Use sun tans to protect the skin 10. Decrease solid food intake and switch to watery meals Foods that are good in summer Have more of watery and pulpy fruits and fruit juices of real fruits. Drink water more frequently and salted...

Intermittent fasting and its types!

 Intermittent Fasting is a fad these days. People fast for a specific period of time intermittently. It has many claims linked to it. And there are various ways to do it. Let us see it in more details.  Intermittent Fasting  Intermittent Fasting is to abstain from food for a set period of time and then restart the normal feeding. This Fasting could be whole or part depending on whether entire food is withheld or only specific food items are withheld.  Intermittent fasting (Source: Very Well Fit) It is claimed that this aids weight loss, improves health, removes body toxins, rejuvenates the body, and increases longevity.  Traditional Fasting is when low-caloric food is consumed on a daily basis. But in intermittent Fasting, regular caloric intake is taken on normal days and zero or reduced calories are consumed for a specific period of time on a regular basis. It is said to be easier to do.  Read here on Tibetan Singing Bowls and their supposed benefits Seve...

Water fasting: What it is and reasons for fasting!

 Fasting is voluntary refraining from eating and/or drinking. It is the state acquired after overnight not eating or after a meal is completely digested and absorbed. Usually after 8-12 hours of a meal, this state is reached.  Reasons for fasting: 1. Medical reasons: Prior to a procedure, surgery, or GA. Prior to some blood or imaging diagnostic tests also fasting is preferred.  2. Religious reasons 3. Weight loss.  4. As a form of political and such protests. It is called hunger strike or fasting undo death.  The claims that it cleanses the body of toxins in unscientific and lacks evidence. It is quackery. There are no health benefits of fasting.  Fasting ( Source: Harvard Health) Also read on role of selenium in food, health, and disease! Types of fasting 1. Fasting can be for particular food items 2. It can be short duration, prolonged or intermittent 3. Water fasting-Except water, everything else is withheld.  Water fasting It is not eating food bu...

Voluntary childlessness is on the rise in the world! What are the reasons for it?

 The decision of couples to have no children by choice seems tough but is increasing in the modern world. Though society looks down at such couples, the availability of effective and safe contraception and old age support from non-family agencies has made things a bit easier for such decisions to be made.  Reasons for voluntary childlessness 1. Personal reasons such as not wanting responsibilities of a child.  2. The emphasis on career rather than reproduction 3. The lack of desire to forward one's family genes or line due to child abuse.  4. Anguish against existence in general. 5. Non-readiness to give up one's freetime and social time for children rearing 6. Happier to help others raise kids 7. Preferring a pet over a child 8. Not wanting to give up personal space and sharing it with a child.  9. Not happy with child-rearing things such as cleaning up mess, disturbing one's sleep etc. 10. Not particularly fond of children behavior. 11. In some situations, one...

Social isolation, loneliness, and its effect on the human brain!

Humans are by nature gregarious and like to mix, socialize, talk, and belong. But the Covid-19 pandemic created the need for social isolation and social distancing. And hell broke loose for many. Disorders of mentation increased and the consultation with psychotherapists and suicide help lines increased drastically. What exactly happens to a person in isolation? Experiments of self-isolation In the past, many scientists tried to study the impact of prolonged isolation on human brain. In 1964, Josie Laures and Antoine Senni isolated in two caves located in French Alps for months. 126 days passed by but Antoine taught that only 2 months have elapsed. In 1972, Michel Siffre repeated this stunt. Michel revealed: “Physically it was not tiring, but mentally it was hell,”  An experiment of isolation on graduate students of McGill University showed that the students jad hallucinations with restlessness and had mental deterioration in cognition. It was also extreme in one person who felt th...

Music Therapy and its prolific potential in health and disease!

  Every one of us would admit that when they are sad, tired, or stressed, they love listening to music. And music helps them to feel relaxed. It uplifts their mood. Several studies have also shown that music used as a therapy in various health deranged states act in a positive way. The general psychology of the patients improves and the disease starts improving and at a faster rate. Thus recovery is hastened and better. What is music therapy? Music is a form of supplementary therapy for various health conditions. Music is organized sound and it is rhythmic and melodious. It soothes and heals the body, mind, and soul. The physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being is attained. Music (Source: Pinterest) This can be in the form of just receptive or passive listening to sound or music, singing with the music, moving feet and body to the music, humming with the music, or playing a musical instrument. Sometimes, recorded inspiring talks, natural sounds, guided imagery, ...

Natural soundscapes and the US National Parks!

 Most people choose natural retreats to go for a holiday. It is a way to de-stress themselves and overcome the fatigue and tension that comes with everyday mundane routine of family life and work. It refreshes them. The sound of nature seems to help in this and people enjoy listening to natural sounds and are away from human-related voices and noises. This itself is a relief and a change. National parks are a wonderful place to experience natural sounds and rejuvenate for that hard urban life.  Humans and urban life Most people and families flock to cities for livelihood. They believe that it will give them money and hence a decent life. But the net result is just the opposite. People get money but health and happiness both are negatively affected. And these are two things that money cannot buy. So ultimately, money proves useless. It can buy you some comforts of life and material gains. But that's all. The uses end there. Multiple studies and even our own observations have sh...