Beware of health misinformation!

Remember the good old days when most of the time only confirmed and reliable health information used to reach you. Your source of this information was through academic journals, books, newspapers, brochures, booklets, pamphlets, or your doctor's and health organizations.  But the growing social media platforms has created hurdles in the reach of genuine information to the masses. Instead what reaches them is health misinformation through social media posts created by people who have no knowledge about health. These are quacks operating. And social media helps spread this misinformation like fire. This is dangerous. It is playing with the lives of people.  Read here: Politicians vs doctors: believe whom? Most of this information is false and not accurate. It can be misleading. Sadly, even governments assist in spread of this misinformation. Most politicians these days are illiterate and shameless who boast about past and have no vision for the present or the future. Moreover, s...

Preparation for Covid-19 vaccination and post-vaccination care!

 It has more than a year that coronavirus has created a havoc on this planet. It is everywhere and no country is spared of it. There is no cure for infection by this virus and only a vaccine was the hope against it. Two vaccines: Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna and other local vaccines are said to be effective against the deadly virus. Side-effects reported are rare. But there are a few things that one should understand before the jab? 

Preparation before the appointment

Understand that the vaccination is to boost immunity and protect against the virus. But it has its limitations. 95% effectiveness of the vaccine comes only 2-6weeks after the second dose of the vaccine. The vaccine is not 100% effective and protective. Hence one should take care even after completing the vaccine schedule. One can get the infection even after the vaccine (2 doses) but the infection would be milder in nature compared to those without the vaccine. 

Also read: What is triple mutant variant of coronavirus

Since protection comes when antibodies and antibody production is depressed with steroids, these should not be taken for atleast two weeks prior to the vaccine and for sometime after the vaccine 2nd dose. Kathryn A. Boling, family medicine specialist at Mercy Medical Center warns:

"You don't want to start steroids the week before you're vaccinated or immediately after you are vaccinated because steroids suppress inflammation a lot,"

"The anti-inflammatory effect could interfere with your body's ability to mount a good reaction to the vaccine and for you to become protected.”

Similarly avoid pain relief medicines before or after the vaccination. To decrease pain, it is better to use ice packs at the site. Further, Kathryn states:

You don't want to slow down or stunt that process by taking something like ibuprofen beforehand,”

Wear loose clothes on the day of the jab so that the site where the vaccine is to be taken is easily accessible. Do not take the jab on the dominant arm. This would help you to carry on with your daily work even if pain occurs at the injection site. 

Covid-19 vaccine (Source: NPR)

Better to take a light meal on the day of the vaccination. This is just in case you get nausea, vomiting or giddiness after the vaccine. An empty stomach will prevent aspiration post-vomiting. 

Don'ts after Covid-19 vaccination

Also, avoid eating heavy or drinking fluids immediately after the vaccine. 

Do not put online your vaccination card on social media. This is because the card has some vital personal information that is likely to be wrongly used. 

MarkAlain Déry is an epidemiologist and medical director for infectious diseases at Access Health Louisiana and the expert warns:

"I would not recommend posting their vaccination card online,"

"That's because there’s some identifiable information like your name, your birthday, and your gender, and other information could be potentially used for ID theft.”

There is a tendency to celebrate after the vaccine dose. But avoid alcohol after vaccination. Kathryn elaborates:

“I wouldn't drink alcohol the very first day that you're vaccinated only because that may interfere with your ability even to know if you have any side effects,"

"I don't think there have been any studies that say you can't, but I would recommend to my patients not to drink alcohol the same day they’re vaccinated.”

Don't stop covid precautions post-vaccine. These should continue until the pandemic is under control. This is for safety of self and others. Also, there is a window period before vaccine protection comes in and also 5% people may not be protected. This is common in elderly and obese people. Besides, it is not ensured that the vaccine protects against the mutant variants of the virus. 

Do's after the vaccination schedule is  completed

One should try to remain hydrated after the dose to prevent giddiness and constipation. Small sips of water frequently can be consumed.  

If fever comes, better to try tepid sponging. If it does not subside, simple paracetamol can be taken. Avoid ibuprofen medicine for it. 

 One can mingle without a face mask with other vaccinated people. They can also safely have small gatherings. 

One can go on with their daily routine post-vaccination. 


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