
Showing posts from March, 2021

Beware of health misinformation!

Remember the good old days when most of the time only confirmed and reliable health information used to reach you. Your source of this information was through academic journals, books, newspapers, brochures, booklets, pamphlets, or your doctor's and health organizations.  But the growing social media platforms has created hurdles in the reach of genuine information to the masses. Instead what reaches them is health misinformation through social media posts created by people who have no knowledge about health. These are quacks operating. And social media helps spread this misinformation like fire. This is dangerous. It is playing with the lives of people.  Read here: Politicians vs doctors: believe whom? Most of this information is false and not accurate. It can be misleading. Sadly, even governments assist in spread of this misinformation. Most politicians these days are illiterate and shameless who boast about past and have no vision for the present or the future. Moreover, s...

Greek path to meaningful life and happiness!

 The world had gone astray and a pandemic such as coronavirus was needed to make people rethink about true happiness in the world. It challenged people to focus on what really matters in life. The life came to a standstill all over the world and people were lonely and depressed. Family and social connections went virtual and existent unhappiness increased. The meaning of life was being questioned.  The modern humans The real meaning of life, its essence, and true happiness have not changed since the time that human life began on this Earth. But somewhere along the way, all this was lost. Humans became busy and digital world developed. Personal and family life suffered. Health and sanity was sacrificed and replaced by diseases, mental problems, and stress. In pursuit of a good life, humans only got a bad one in return. But despite feeling it, it had become difficult for people to break this cycle and return back to what is good. Life became complex and one has to rewind it and ...

Scorpio zodiac sign: intense, loyal, frank, born leaders, and ambitious!

 People belonging to the zodiac sign of Scorpio are intense people who are honest and loyal. They are lively beings, ambitious, passionate and romantic souls. They have strong will power and determination. What are the other great characteristics of individuals born with this zodiac sign.  Scorpio (Source: The Sun) Coronavirus and skin rashes - Read here Scorpio zodiac sign Many people do not believe in zodiac signs. Though it is not a science, I consider it as a semi-science since there are islands of truth in it. Let us take the example of Scorpio Zodiac sign. People born between the dates of 23 October to 21 November belong to this sign. The name of the sign itself tends to make people fear and move away from these individuals. But Scorpios are wonderful people to have around. They make the environment lively and playful. They are great and loyal friends. But make them angry, and they will be your worst enemies.  They are self-motivated and ambitious people. They are i...

Coronavirus infection and skin rashes!

The 3 most common symptoms of coronavirus affliction are fever, cough, and loss of smell. But there are a host of other symptoms that are observed during coronavirus infection. These include skin lesions of varying types and severity.  Skin lesions and Covid-19 Coronavirus also causes skin lesions during the course of the disease. Lancet has reported that many patients had skin lesions as part of the disease. These occurred during the start of the disease or were spotted during the hospital stay. And the lesions did not correlate with disease severity.  Skin rashes in coronavirus infection (Source: News Medical)  The authors added that some of the patients with such lesions reported burning and/or itching at the site. These lesions were either as red rashes, or vesicles and blisters, or as urticaria or hives. In some, the researchers saw that the lesions began as erythematous-violaceous patches that later turned purpuric. They blistered and ulcerative to become necrotic a...

Update: The current data and status of Astrazeneca Covid vaccine

 Astazeneca covid vaccine is in some trouble. Neither the people nor government are happy about it. And the regulators are looking out for some more data from the company. What is the current scenario on it?  Astrazeneca-covid vaccine and the status   There are doubts about the covid vaccine developed and manufactured by Astrazeneca company. A US health agency said in public that the said company used outdated data in the results of its large scale covid vaccine trials.  Earlier, the company has released some interim data that revealed that its vaccine is better in the US trials.  The company said: " The numbers published yesterday were based on a pre-specified interim analysis with a data cut-off of 17 February. "We have reviewed the preliminary assessment of the primary analysis and the results were consistent with the interim analysis. We are now completing the validation of the statistical analysis. "We will immediately engage with the independent data safet...

UK will not impose travel demand of immunity passports for its tourist entrants!

There are discussions about mandatory COVID-19 immunity passports for travel to some countries. But this concept is itself non-scientific and unethical. The UK and Canada have their own reservations about making such immunity certificates compulsory for travel. Hence they are not for it and have made their points clear to the world on it. The UK has stated that it will not make it a requirement for travel to its nation but it will issue such certificates to its citizens in case they need it for travel to other countries which demand it.  The UK and its take on immunity passports  Great Britain is not for the requirement of immunity passports during this COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, it has made its stand clear on this issue at the time when many EU countries are talking about making it mandatory for travel to their nations. UK’s  vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi said that it will provide with such vaccine certificates to its own citizens but will not put it up as criteria for ...

Immunity passports concerns medical fraternity and rights groups: The medical and ethical reasons against it

  There are talks in the USA, the UK, and in European nations that they would introduce COVID-19 immunity passports for travel to these nations. These are digital passports that are proofs that one has been vaccinated against COVID-19. But this concept and thinking has worried health experts and right group people.  COVID-19 pandemic and the world   COVID-19 virus started in Wuhan in China and has engulfed the world. The pandemic is seeing second and third waves and the USA, the UK, and the European Nations are currently in the grips of it. The cases are surging in these developed nations of the world and they are considering start of COVID-19 immunity passports. They plan to introduce these digital passports in order to ensure that those who travel to and from their countries are vaccinated against COVID-19.  But this political move has upset the health experts and rights groups.  These nations believe that introduction of such a passport might help their natio...

Sunflower seeds have hoards of health benefits!

 Nuts and seeds are nutritious and healthy for the body. They assist in the prevention of chronic diseases. Sunflower seeds are one such highly beneficial food item. Let us go into more details of the health aspect of sunflower seeds.  Sunflower seeds and nutrition  Sunflower plants are of two types: one is grown for its seeds and the other for its rich oil yield. The taste of sunflower seeds is nutty, mild, and it has a firmish inside.  The seeds of sunflower are loaded with nutrients. They are rich in good fats, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial plant compounds. They assist in decreasing heart diseases, inflammation, and type 2 diabetes mellitus.  The white sunflower seeds have good amount of vitamin E. They are also high in selenium and zinc. These protect the body cells and prevent damage from free radicals. Thus, they cut down on chronic diseases, and also increase immunity.  Sunflower and its seeds (Source: Pinterest)  Read here on Color t...

Selenium and its health benefits! Does it have a weight-reducing role?

A person's weight is determined by several factors. Dietary, lifestyle, health and disease factors influence it. People aim for normal weight fir age and height. But many a times, there is some imbalance leading to malnutrition. This could be either less weight or more weight.  Most females are concerned about excess weight gain and want to gave weight-loss. They resort to a number of therapies for it with variable results.  Weight loss measures (Source: Nootriment)  Excessive weight and therapies Every country has a set of tables and graphs which show the normal weight for a child or adult as per his or her weight and height. Body mass index is also calculated based on the height and weight of a person. It it is above 25, it is overweight and above 30 is obesity. Below 18 of BMI is undernourished.  In order to regain normal weight, one should shed off the sedentary lifestyle. Exercising daily and cutting down carbs and fats in meals helps.  There are some over-...

Know how immunity develops after coronavirus vaccine administration in a person!

 Coronavirus vaccine has come in and people are getting vaccinated worldwide against the dreaded virus! But there have been isolated cases of people getting infection despite the vaccine. There are certain things that one must know about the benefits and limitations of the vaccine to fully understand these cases.  A few vaccines have been approved in different countries of the world against coronavirus. These include Pfizer, Moderna and other local vaccines such as in China and Russia. Studies have revealed that the vaccine efficacy is 50% after the first dose of the vaccine and 95% after the second dose of the vaccine. But the antibodies take 45 days to appear and hence the person who has taken the vaccine may still acquire the infection if he catches the virus in between. Covid-19 vaccine (Source: Pinterest)  Read here Oregon strain and double trouble!  Hence, if a person gets the vaccine and still contracts the infection, it could imply any of the following: 1...

Donald Trump and his ample failures during his Presidency 2016-2020 and COVID-19 pandemic 2020-2021!

  Donald’s presidency started in 2016 and his last year in office was in 2020 when the coronavirus pandemic struck the world. But his policies against it were a failure. Nearly 450k people died in this pandemic and the mean life expectancy also fell by 1.13 years. The fatality rate of the USA due to COVID-19 was 40% higher than that of the other nations. And many of these deaths were easily preventable if the political head was good enough to handle the situation well. The Lancet report of the Commission on Public Policy and Health The Commission on Public Policy and Health released a report on the health situation during the Trump-era on 20 February 2021. It detailed the impact of Donald Trump’s policies on the population health of the USA. His actions have been labelled as incompetent and malevolent. The former President had suppressed scientific facts related to the pandemic. His intention was only economic and did not help the people of the nation. He delayed testing and ...

The relation between sexual activity and weight is a complex one and not predictable!

 Weight gain is due to multiple reasons. Several health conditions lead to it. But in otherwise healthy person, it is due to less exercise and more fats and carbs in food. Sexual activity burns calories but is it enough to cause a weight loss or maintain weight? Let us see what studies say.  2019 study of correlation between weight and sexual activity Smith et al conducted a study on 2,200 men and 2,737 women aged ≥50 years (mean 68.2 years). They enquired for sexual activity in last year and last month and tried to find if any association exists between weight and frequency of sexual activity. 73.3% of men and 50% of women reported on being sexual active in last year. In these people, obese and overweight men and overweight women reported more sexual activity in the last month compared to those with normal weight.  Sexual activity as a moderate-intensity physical activity A study carried out on young and healthy couples revealed that the mean energy expenditure during se...

Double Trouble! Oregon COVID-19 strain has the backbone of the UK coronavirus variant strain B.1.1.7 and also the mutation of the South African virus variant!

 Coronavirus is testing the medical fraternity. Over the past few months, it has undergone several mutations that are increasing its inter-human transmission capacity. And now to add to this list is another variant of the virus discovered in Oregon. It has the backbone of the variant virus from the UK ( B.1.1.7) and also has the mutation of E484K or “Eek” that are seen in the variants from South Africa, Brazil, and New York City. So it is double trouble!!! The Oregon variant of the coronavirus Scientists from Oregon have discovered a variant of the coronavirus bug that has the high transmission capacity of the UK strain and also resistance to vaccine-induced immunity problem of the South African strain. It is double trouble and a formidable combination. There is a growing concern about this finding though it was isolated only from one patient until now.  Genetic analysis has revealed that this strain has been acquired from the community and not developed de novo in the patient...

Nestle's Parenting index study: The USA ranks as 5th best place to rear a child after Sweden, Chile, Germany, and Mexico!

  Parenting is a skill and an art. Parenting experiences are different and vary worldwide. Nestle did the first-of-its-kind study called The Parenting Index to see how these parenting skills fare in different nations of the world. Which place is the best in the world to raise a child? Nestle and the parenting index The parenting index is the list and ranking of countries based on their goodness to raise a child. Nestle carried out a study recently to know where each country stands as regards child-rearing. This study has never been done in the past and is the first of its kind in the world.   Their results revealed that there is no perfect or ideal place to raise a family. But yes, Sweden is the best place to bring up a child followed by Chile, Germany, and Mexico. And the USA comes up next in position 5.  This should be of use for the parent of today.  Parenting Index (Source: YouTube) The methodology of the Parenting index study This tool is a unique and ...

What is Work-life balance? Why is it important? What should be done to achieve it?

 Work-life balance is essential for a good life: alone or family. It provides quality of life and happiness. But how many people think of it? Some who do think of it feel that it is an impossible feat.  Work-life balance and today The good old days of the past have gone. This is especially true of people residing in the cities of the world. Whether it is service or business, long hours at work are becoming the norm. The world has gone competitive and people get concerned about losing their job if employed or losing their clients if in a business. This pushes people to overwork. But they forget no one can prolong the 24 hours of one day. So the net result is the work time encroaches on your social and personal time.  Harvard Business School did a survey and found that 94% of professionals were working more than 50 hours in a week. And nearly 50% were working for more than 65 hours per week. The recommended comfortable working hours per week should not be over 48 hours per ...