Milk in Nepal and India: the difference!

 I have observed that whenever milk ferments when I am in India, the paneer or cottage cheese does not come out easily. Even if I boil it and add lime juice to it, the cheese formed is quite little and more powdery than cheesy.  But when the same happens in Nepal, the cheese formation is immediate, dense and cheesy. I do not have to do more efforts to get cottage cheese out of the milk in Nepal. What is the reason? I checked internet and found some factors that can affect the quality and amount of cheese  1. Freedom from pathogenic bacteria - Good cheese forms of milk is free from pathogenic bacteria. Differences between Nepali vs Indian panipuri  2. Different milk quality with different amounts of fats and proteins  3. Ultra-pasteurization can destroy vital enzymes and bacteria that are required for cheese formation  4. If temperature of milk is less when it ferments, cheese formation will be less.  5. If milk is rancid, it means it's fats are also br...

Sunflower seeds have hoards of health benefits!

 Nuts and seeds are nutritious and healthy for the body. They assist in the prevention of chronic diseases. Sunflower seeds are one such highly beneficial food item. Let us go into more details of the health aspect of sunflower seeds. 

Sunflower seeds and nutrition 

Sunflower plants are of two types: one is grown for its seeds and the other for its rich oil yield. The taste of sunflower seeds is nutty, mild, and it has a firmish inside. 

The seeds of sunflower are loaded with nutrients. They are rich in good fats, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial plant compounds. They assist in decreasing heart diseases, inflammation, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. 

The white sunflower seeds have good amount of vitamin E. They are also high in selenium and zinc. These protect the body cells and prevent damage from free radicals. Thus, they cut down on chronic diseases, and also increase immunity. 

Sunflower and its seeds (Source: Pinterest) 

Read here on Color therapy and its  rationale

The plant compounds such as phenolic acids and flavonoids are more in them. 30 gms of shelled sunflower seeds have 163 calories. 

Sunflower seeds and diseases 

The health benefits of sunflower seeds are ample. It decreases inflammation and its vitamin E content is responsible for it. In a study on 6000 people, it was seen that eating sunflower seeds 5 times a week decreased the C-reactive protein levels by 32%. 

The sunflower seeds have a compound that blocks a chemical that constricts blood vessels. Hence high blood pressure is overcome and its ill-consequences prevented. The magnesium present in the seeds also helps in this. 

Eating s handful of seeds per day for 6 months decreased the fasting blood glucose levels by 10% in one study. 

Sunflower seeds contain zinc, selenium, and other vitamins which act on body enzymes  and boost immunity. 

The seeds contain beta-sitosterol, a phytosterol that can decrease the risk of breast cancer. Colon cancer chances are also lowered. 

Sunflower seeds cut down on bad cholesterol. It's fiber content, niacin or vitamin B3 helps in this and vitamin B5 helps increase the good cholesterol. 

Its B6 helps boost brain function and memory and concentration are improved. Mood is also elevated. Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome is lessened. 

It is good for skin and acne. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Its oleic and linoleic acids content increase skin collagen formation. Hence it is anti-aging. 

Any side-effects? 

Generally safe but are high in calories and calcium and also sodium. Besides, they are high in cadmium that has potential kidney damaging effect. If consumed in excess, it can nauseate and cause vomiting with or without constipation. Allergy to sunflower seeds are also known. 


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