
Showing posts from January, 2021

Beware of health misinformation!

Remember the good old days when most of the time only confirmed and reliable health information used to reach you. Your source of this information was through academic journals, books, newspapers, brochures, booklets, pamphlets, or your doctor's and health organizations.  But the growing social media platforms has created hurdles in the reach of genuine information to the masses. Instead what reaches them is health misinformation through social media posts created by people who have no knowledge about health. These are quacks operating. And social media helps spread this misinformation like fire. This is dangerous. It is playing with the lives of people.  Read here: Politicians vs doctors: believe whom? Most of this information is false and not accurate. It can be misleading. Sadly, even governments assist in spread of this misinformation. Most politicians these days are illiterate and shameless who boast about past and have no vision for the present or the future. Moreover, s...

The highly controversial company of India: Patanjali! Know about its owners and the various cases against it for land encroachment, misleading advertisements, fake medicinal claims, and substandard products!

 Patanjali is an Indian consumer goods company that is based in Hardiwar. It was started in the year 2006 by Ramdev and Balkrishna but it got a boost after the pro-Hindu nationalist party of BJP came to power in India in 2014. It is a manufacturer and packager of natural and herbal products. Its registered office is in Delhi and the industry is in Haridwar in Uttarakhand. But since its inception, it has been embroiled in a number of controversies about its land encroachment and grabs, its closeness to the BJP party and the favors it gets from them, and also about the quality of its products. Several bans have been imposed on its products in Indian states and Nepal. About Patanjali The company came to birth in 2006 and is owned by Balkrishna and Baba Ramdev. Ramdev himself is a school dropout. While Balkrishna claims to have high school and Sanskrit degrees of Sampurnanand Sanskrit University but it is alleged that these degrees do not exist on records of the University. The com...

Air pollution: Infant deaths, adult fatalities, and health risks!

Air pollution is a rising health hazard and in the metro cities of India it is particularly bad if not worse. Haziness is observed everywhere and people are breathing this ill-making air day in and day out. Is it worth it? A study has revealed that this air pollution caused 1.16 infant deaths in India in the year 2019 alone.  The global study of air pollution impact on infants A global study has shown that 1.16 lac infants in India died in 2019 due to the ill-effects of air pollution on their lungs and body. These deaths contributed to fatalities in less than a month old babies. Household and outdoor particulate matter was the main culprit causing these premature deaths. State of Global Air 2020 report states that more than half of these deaths were due to outdoor pollutants PM2.5 and the rest were due to solid fuels used for cooking or heating the house such as charcoal, wood, and animal dung. Some of these babies were also preterm and with low birth weights.  HEI President D...

Expert Opinion on double masking: What it is? Why people in the USA are using it? Is it effective?

 Double Masking. This trend created a buzz during and after the inauguration ceremony of the newly elected President of the USA, Biden and his team. Many politicians, celebrities, and VIPs at this function were seen with double masks covering their face. Why? Double masking and the USA Coronavirus has been creating havoc in this world now for the last more than a year. People were wearing face masks and following hand hygiene and social distancing. But now more infectious strains of the virus have been detected in the UK, South Africa, and several other countries. The ones in the UK are 70% more contagious than the first coronavirus strain.  Double masking (Source: NBC News) Hence, in order to give people a stronger protection from the deadly virus, double masking is recommended. This would protect the person more effectively from the more virulent strains of Covid-19. Dr Anthony Fauci, US infectious disease expert revealed this. He added: “That’s the reason why you see people...

Spain's healthcare workers suffer mentally due to nonstop work and new surge in covid-19 cases and deaths!

 Following the holiday season, Spain is seeing another surge in coronavirus cases. Hospitals are overflowing and front-line health care workers are overwhelmed. The doctors and nurses are mentally affected now since they have been working non-stop now for the past one year.  Magnitude of coronavirus infections in Spain Spain is witnessing another new wave of Covid-19 cases. It is extremely high and beds are full in hospitals. At Barcelona’s Hospital del Mar, the intensive care beds have doubled from normal and 80% of these cases are coronavirus patients. Dr. Joan Ramon Masclans, who heads the ICU revealed: “ There are young people of 20-something-years-old and older people of 80-years-old, all the age groups,” “ This is very difficult, and it is one patient after another.” Spain and Christmas and New Year celebrations regulations In Spain, the public authorities and government had allowed people to gather but to a maximum of 10 for Christmas and New Year festival celebrations....

How to survive the Covid-19 pandemic?: Mental and emotional well-being!

Covid-19 has taken the world like a storm and has brought almost all world operations to a halt. World economy has suffered, productivity has fallen and people are in house arrests due to lockdown. All this has affected people mentally and emotionally. Education of children is suffering and parents have a lot to worry about. How to survive all this new guidelines and movement restrictions? It is a bit difficult but not impossible. Below are some tips on it. Happy family during covid-19 (Source: Pinterest) 1. Keep a positive outlook what come may. This is important foe oneself, for family, and for the sake of kids. Try to curb all negative feelings such as phobia, fears, anxiety, and worries. Overcome them and face them boldly. Follow all precautions and it will give you comfort and confidence.  2. Keep yourself occupied in some productive activities or hobbies such as writing, music, learning new things and the like. Whatever is available at hand, make the best use of it. Remember ...

Covid-19 pandemic and exercise regimes recommended for different categories of people by WHO!

 Covid-19 pandemic is still on and it is known that overweight and obesity is associated with risk of enhanced severity of the infection necessitating hospitalization. WHO has issued guidelines on exercise for adults between 18-64 years, children, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and those with chronic illnesses.  Healthy adults and exercise during Covid-19 pandemic WHO has stated that 150-300 minutes of moderate and 75-150 minutes of vigorous activity should be done weekly by people in the age group of 18-64 years. WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in a news release said: "Being physically active is critical for health and well-being — it can help add years to life and life to years,"  Remain active in pandemic (Source: Facebook WHO) Also, read Walking and its benefits He added: "Every move counts, especially now as we manage the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic. We must all move every day — safely and creatively." WHO states: Be active, s...

Flu cases this season are lesser due to covid-19 pandemic! The complete analysis here!

  US CDC data has revealed that with COVID-19 taking the world by storm in 2020, flu cases were low. This points to the fact that covid is far more contagious than flu and is also less forgiving. More details below! Flu cases and the year 2020 In 2019, from 19 September to 28 December (the flu season), there were 65k cases of flu reported in the USA. However, during the same flu period in the year 2020, there were only 1016 influenza cases reported. Thus, in 2020 when the coronavirus cases were high with massive mortality rates, flu was incidentally low in numbers. What is the reason for such low incidence and transmission of the disease? The causes of low influenza cases in 2020 The health experts feel that the reason for the low incidence of flu cases this season of 2020 was that flu vaccination rates were high. These helped to control the flu. Besides, for covid-19 people were forced to wear face masks and follow social distancing at public places. There was also the h...

How to prevent and overcome emotional exhaustion due to covid-19 pandemic?

  Emotional exhaustion is a common feature in people during the covid-19 pandemic. People are fed up and tired of the whole process and their body and mind are asking for a break. This gives rise to certain symptoms and signs that are outlined here . What to do in case one gets emotionally exhausted? Read on to learn the tips of avoiding and overcoming emotional exhaustion. Emotional exhaustion and what it means? COVID-19 has been causing massive human and economic losses since the end of 2019. The whole of 2020 went in trying to avoid coronavirus infection and prevention of its spread beyond control. But despite all attempts, the virus has continued to create havoc in the lives of the people of the world. Europe, the USA, the UK, South Africa, and Brazil have seen more fast communicating strains of the virus and the USA is in a bad form due to it. Two vaccines are approved for this deadly disease but their effect has yet to be seen! Besides, ill-effects and even deaths have ...

USA and China clash over the coronavirus origin investigation in Wuhan!

 There is problem between the USA and China over the WHO's investigation in Wuhan regarding the origin of coronavirus pandemic. Was it a natural disaster, or an accident, or a deliberate attempt to destroy the world? America wants to interrogate the caregivers, patients, lab workers in order to know the exact cause of the viral source. But China is against this. Why? Is China trying to hide something? WHO and its special investigative team WHO-led independent experts have reached Wuhan on 14 January 2021. They want to determine the likely cause of the virus. They are now in quarantine for 2 weeks before they begin their work in Wuhan. Currently, from their quarantined spots they are in talks with their Chinese counterparts by means of teleconferencing.  The USA is totally unhappy with China's non-transparency in this matter. It has accused China of hiding the initial magnitude of the problem. They feel valuable time was lost there and led to the virus going uncontrolled and ex...

Wuhan Institute of Virology scientists and bite from Covid infected bat!

 Covid-19 pandemic started in Wuhan in China. This was in December 2019. But China continues to state that though the first cases of Covid-19 were detected in Wuhan, it never originated there. But the world wants to know the true answer of origin of the virus and hence the pandemic that brought the world to a standstill. WHO is investigating this matter.  China and its denial of origin of coronavirus   China has been persistent in its denial of Covid-19 in Wuhan. It stresses that though the first cases were detected there, they never originated there. They claim that it came into Wuhan from somewhere else.  But the world feels that the wet markets are the source of the pandemic. Also, the other powerful countries of the world such as the USA blame the Wuhan Virology lab for the start of the virus and its spread to the outside world. WHO is investigating this matter. Initially, WHO was denied access of the lab but now they have been able to get inside and try to probe...

MRNA covid-19 vaccine has opened up avenues for renewed interest and enthusiasm of use of mRNA in cancer cure

 Covid-19 vaccine has arrived amidst a mixed reaction. These vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are messenger RNA. Another one from German Company CureVac NV is also on its way to be approved. There is more hope in these vaccines beyond control of covid. What are its future benefits? mRNA vaccines and ordinary vaccines Most vaccines are inactivated or attenuated viral parts which induce an immune response in the body that offers protection against the virus. They need cell cultures and chemicals. It is time-consuming with risk of contamination. But in case of mRNA, this process is skipped. Scientists determine which protein they want the host body to produce, analyze its amino acid sequence and see what instructions the mRNA must give. The process is faster and the mRNA is safe genetically.  MRNA and its uses in maladies (Source: Nature) The history of mRNA and its use Research into mRNA began in the 1970s. But somehow after a decade of work on it it fell into the backg...

What is Emotional exhaustion with covid-19? How to diagnose it?

  COVID-19 has been testing humans worldwide. It has shown the world people that the WORLD IS ONE! The Year 2020 started with a bad note; that it the coronavirus pandemic! And 2021 does not seem any better! The pandemic continues to affect people and claim lives! The pandemic has taken a great surge in the USA and people are getting exhausted and so are the frontline health care workers! They have all reached a stage of emotional exhaustion along with physical fatigue! It has become difficult to deal with it! The burden of coronavirus pandemic The last year was a bad year for the world. People worldwide were affected due to coronavirus and many also died due to it! The burden of the pandemic does not seem to lessen and is only growing with the days! Everywhere is the same news…corona…corona…corona! There seems to be no peace or relief anywhere in the world! People are learning new ways to go on with life! New innovative ways to work especially from home or virtually, new way...

Medical studies and clinical trials have a male bias! Women health is ignored and leads to misdiagnosis!

  Clinical trials and studies are first carried out on adult males. Adult females, children, elderly population, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers are less often used in studies. The pharmaceutical companies are worried about including them in clinical trials initially or even later on for fear that if some unforeseen ill-effects happen, people would more likely criticize and sue them for them. Hence they either do not study these groups or study them after all the adult male trials have been successful and safe. This means that many times female diseases remain unstudied and due to this they remain misdiagnosed or missed or remain a total mystery. The ancient thinking on women Women have since time immemorial being considered as an inferior version of men. This thinking has been there despite the fact that developing the human body is a female type first before the male hormones act on them to make it a male. The Greek philosopher Aristotle had described female as a mut...

Big food retailers and supermarkets in the USA gear up to play an active role in mass covid-19 immunization program!

 Big grocery shops and supermarkets have stepped in to inform shoppers about their role in the mass immunization program that has started in the USA against COVIC-19. H-E-B, Kroger, Walmart , and others are issuing statements to their clients on how they are part of the immunization program of the USA in phase 1b. The grocery shops are working with the US public health departments to manage their immunization campaigns. They are also committed to bring the coronavirus pandemic under control and are doing their bit for the society. These food retailers had helped earlier as well by providing covid-19 tests on their premises. And now, they are also going to be an active part of the mass inoculation program against coronavirus. Big grocery shops in the USA and the mass covid-19 immunization program Big food retailers and supermarkets are gearing up to play an active role in the mass covid-19 immunization program that has started in the USA. Earlier, the food retailers were also of...

More Americans are likely to not take the covid-19 vaccine, a new study published in JAMA states!

  Majority of the scientists worldwide agree that covid-19 vaccination is the way out of the pandemic. Two covid-19 vaccines have been approved by the US FDA in an emergency. The vaccines have rolled out for mass public use but as time is going by, some side-effects are coming forth. An anti-vaxx movement is also ongoing and this has led to a decline in the number of Americans who want to go for the vaccine for self, family, and society protection!!! A recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association has revealed that doubts are rising about the vaccine in the minds of the Americans. The findings of the new study on vaccine acceptance in the USA There are rising cases of coronavirus and deaths due to it in the USA. The virus continues to devastate human beings and cause innumerable sufferings. Vaccines are being administered to frontline workers but more and more Americans are opting out of it. A recent article published in JAMA has shown that skepticism about...

Christian Nationalist ideology might hamper development of herd immunity to coronavirus, fear epidemiologists and policy-makers

 Coronavirus in the world is a real thing. It is affecting and killing many people worldwide. Despite this, there are some who continue to claim that it is fake and a myth. Vaccines against the deadly disease have been produced and their administration to frontline healthcare workers has begun. The effectiveness of the vaccine and its relative safety has risen the hopes of the medical fraternity and also the public. Health organizations feel that now the pandemic may be brought under control. But they are worried that if many of the Americans refuse a vaccination, herd immunity may be difficult to achieve.  Vaccination size and herd immunity Many world leaders of the world including Donald Trump refused to initiate an aggressive approach to the coronavirus pandemic. They were relying on a vaccine and now the vaccine has rolled out for public use in many countries. But epidemiologists fear that if many Americans refuse the covid-19 vaccine, it would be difficult to get an adequ...