
Showing posts from November, 2020

Beware of health misinformation!

Remember the good old days when most of the time only confirmed and reliable health information used to reach you. Your source of this information was through academic journals, books, newspapers, brochures, booklets, pamphlets, or your doctor's and health organizations.  But the growing social media platforms has created hurdles in the reach of genuine information to the masses. Instead what reaches them is health misinformation through social media posts created by people who have no knowledge about health. These are quacks operating. And social media helps spread this misinformation like fire. This is dangerous. It is playing with the lives of people.  Read here: Politicians vs doctors: believe whom? Most of this information is false and not accurate. It can be misleading. Sadly, even governments assist in spread of this misinformation. Most politicians these days are illiterate and shameless who boast about past and have no vision for the present or the future. Moreover, s...

Dr. Scott Atlas, the controversial adviser on coronavirus in the USA resigns from his post! Critics are relieved!

  Dr. Scott Atlas was special adviser on coronavirus to President Donald Trump. Over the past 4 months, he had clashes and differences of opinions with the other members of the coronavirus task force. And now a White House official has revealed that Scott Atlas has submitted his resignation from the post. DR SCOTT ATLAS AND HIS RESIGNATION Dr. Scott Atlas was a special adviser on coronavirus to Donald Trump. But over the last four months, he had repeatedly been on loggerheads with the other members of the coronavirus task force over decisions and policies.   And ultimately, he has put in his resignation from the post. A White House official confirmed the news and Scott also posted the resignation on his Twitter account. Donald Trump and Dr. Scott Atlas [Source: Channel 3000] Scott said in the letter to Donald Trump dated 1 December 2020: “I am writing to resign from my position as special adviser to the president of the United States,” WHAT HIS COLLEAGUES FEEL? Publi...

Johnny Ruffo: his health journey, diagnosis of brain cancer, and his career!

  Australian singer-songwriter cum actor, Johnny Ruffo is just 32 years of age. Three years back in 2017, his doctors diagnosed him with a cancerous brain tumor when he had a migraine. He underwent an operation for removal of the tumor and also was put on aggressive therapy for brain cancer. He was cleared of it but has a relapse last week. JOHNNY RUFFO AND HIS HEALTH JOURNEY Australian singer-songwriter was a highly talented musician and also an actor. But most of the time, life is not generous on good and talented individuals. He had a diagnosis of brain cancer on him three years back. On 10 August 2017, Johnny revealed that he had brain surgery for removal of a brain tumor. He had approached doctors for treatment of migraine when it came to light that he actually had a brain tumor. Johnny and Tahnee [Source: New Idea] A biopsy taken from the site was sent for histopathological investigation and the result was that the tumor was cancerous. A week later, Johnny posted on hi...

Loneliness is a growing epidemic especially during this coronavirus pandemic in the USA!

  The coronavirus pandemic has increased social segregation and this has proven to be bad particularly for the elderly population. They are unable to catch up with their children and grandchildren and are finding themselves extremely lonely. They are the worst affected by the pandemic in terms of physical as well as emotional health. THE OLD AGE AND LONELINESS Old age is a time of loneliness for many people. Usually, people have lost their partners at that ripe age and depend on their children and grandchildren for support and to beat the loneliness. Though their younger family members used to occasionally visit the parents, now with the coronavirus pandemic this has become difficult due to the risk of the children carrying the infection to their aged parents and grandparents. So the visits have come down drastically and the contact remains only on phone or via digital technology. This though good does not suffice and cannot substitute the physical visits and the warmth that th...

The top hit movies of the USA show a lot of junk food and booze on-screen!

  Healthy eating habits are vital for good health. But we often see that junk food and alcohol are shown in various scenes of several hit movies of the USA. A review study was done of the food content in some 250 popular movies of the USA. And the study authors concluded that the food choices displayed in the movies were so bad that they are far away from the healthy food recommendations. US HIT MOVIES AND JUNK FOOD AND BOOZE A new study reviewed the food choices shown in 250 top-grossing movies of the United States. And the study revealed that the majority of the movies show a lot of unhealthy eating. This is not good for society and should be avoided. The scenes portray unhealthy eating choices and these are far away from the dietary recommendations of the health organizations. Junk food, booze excel in the movies of the USA [Source: Hale Plus Hearty] The lead author of the study was Bradley Turnwald and he said: "The overall diet depicted in movies would fail federal guid...

Actress Gabrielle Union talks about her mental health struggles and racism in the film industry!

  Gabrielle Union has given an interview recently to Women’s Health and in it she spoke about her struggles with mental health and also racism. She disclosed that her PTSD was more due to the current events of the world. She is trying to cope with it to her best possible. GABRIELLE UNION AND HER NEW INTERVIEW Lately, there has been a lot that has been happening in the world. Everyone is extremely upset with it and so is Gabrielle Union. In an interview given to Women’s Health, Gabrielle spoke about her mental issues, especially during this pandemic. The actress revealed that she is trying her level best to cope with the happenings in the world around her. Gabrielle Union [Source: NBC News] Gabrielle, 47 also revealed that her PTSD has become 10-fold more during the last several months during the coronavirus pandemic. For the October issue of the magazine, Gabrielle said: "The combination of the pandemic and this racial reckoning, alongside being inundated with [images of]...

Cocoa flavanols can improve brain function after a challenge and make a person do complex tasks faster and better!

Flavanols found in fruits and vegetables are known to be beneficial for vascular function. But now a new study from Birmingham has revealed that they can boost cognition and make people be able to do more complex jobs easily. Besides, the brain vascular function is better with them. The study was conducted using flavanols of cocoa origin. THE STUDY ON FLAVANOLS AND BRAIN FUNCTION This is the first study of its kind to determine the action of cocoa flavanols on brain function and cognition. Catarina Rendeiro, a researcher in nutritional sciences at the University of Birmingham led this research in collaboration with psychology professors, Monica Fabiani and Gabriele Gratton. The latter two were from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Their study is published in the Scientific Reports journal.  Cocoa flavanols [Source: Confectionery News] Catarina said: “ Flavanols are small molecules found in many fruits and vegetables, and cocoa, too. They give fruits and vegetab...

Will Montonegro Airlines get grounded with no state funding?

 Montenegro Airlines is in deep trouble. Since August 2020, it has not received any financial aid from the state. And now with the re-lockdowns in several parts of Europe, it is unable to meet the expenses as the revenues have sharply declined this winter. The company has been unable to pay the employee wages from October 2020.  Montenegro Airlines and its downfall The aviation company, Montenegro Airlines is in a deep financial crunch. Its expenses are mounting but its revenue is dropping. It has tried to cut down its expenses but in vain. The shortfall has been so much that it has been unable to pay wages to its employees for the month of October 2020. And now with winter setting in, many parts of Europe have witnessed rising coronavirus cases. Hence their governments have imposed re-lockdowns and plane services have been halted. Besides, tourists and travelers have also diminished. This has taken a toll on the Airlines that already was in debts from the start of last year....

Impact of COVID-19 on gender equality and proportion of unpaid work by women!

 The coronavirus pandemic has worsened the state of women as regards the home chores. Prior to the pandemic, the women in the world were giving three times more time at home than men. But now with the pandemic, this has doubled and many women may not even report for work again in the future. Besides, the UN feels that whatever good impact their measures had taken in the last 25 years towards gender equality has been completely wiped out by the current pandemic!  The UN and gender equality The UN Women has been taking great steps and efforts for gender equality in the world. They attempt to see to it that females in the world get equal opportunities for work outside their homes and that men partake in the work at home. Their tireless efforts did fetch some good results but they were still far from true gender equality. But now with the coronavirus pandemic, their efforts have been completely diluted and nullified. Due to the pandemic, women are now again doing more of domestic ...

The UK government wants to do mass testing for COVID-19 across the country!

 Since the pandemic started, there has been a heap of controversies. Political leaders with no medical or scientific knowhow are engaging in talks and making policies that would negatively impact the attempts of the medical fraternity to control the infection. Besides, these world leaders are not consulting any medical doctor before making new rules related to the coronavirus pandemic. The latest news is from the UK where the government is offering mass screening for the virus. But experts feel that this is not a good idea.  Mass testing and the UK The UK PM has said that like Liverpool all areas of the UK would go for mass testing for COVID-19 in tier three after the current lockdown ends. The government has added that it will work with the local authorities to see to it that the plan is put into action and works. The Faculty of Public Health and the Association of Directors of Public Health said that NHS Test and Trace has to be improved and must be the top focus during the ...

Katie Price is selling the controversial earwax removing ear candles on her social media!

 What is wrong with the supermodel Katie Price! She has not had enough negative publicity that now again she is going for another one. This time around, she is selling earwax candles and posted a video of it on her social media. Last year, she was selling her undies for quick cash.  Katie Price and the sale of ear candling devices The former supermodel, Katie Price, 42 seems to be really in deep financial crisis. She has been trying to make some quick bucks selling some really odd things. Last year, she was selling undies to make money and this year, Katie is seen selling ear candling device. She has posted a video of her selling the weird items on her social media.  Katie Price and the ear candles [Source: Daily Mirror] She uploaded a video on her Instagram and in it she is seen getting shocked as she removes a big chunk of wax from her ear. She says in the posted video:  "Hey guys, so I've got something to show you that is so unique. It is an ears cleaner ear candl...

Black pepper and its benefits for hypertension in adults! Know how to make a black pepper tea?

  The normal adult blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. But when these values are elevated above 140 and 90 mm Hg persistently, it is hypertension of high blood pressure. Medicines are important to be started after medical consultation. The doctor will advise lifestyle changes and ways to control stress and anger. These usually help but one can also resort to some home remedies to put a check on the elevated levels of blood pressure. Black pepper tea is claimed to be effective in this condition. STUDIES ON THE ROLE OF BLACK PEPPER IN HYPERTENSION Lowering the salt intake is essential in hypertension. A 2010 study published in a journal from Slovakia revealed that in a rat model, piperine of black pepper (Piper guineense) helped to decrease the high blood pressure induced with chronic NO synthesis inhibition. Its essential oil has antioxidant properties and inhibits key enzymes that cause blood pressure. It is a good source of potassium and this could dilute the ill-effects of sodium...