Beware of health misinformation!

Remember the good old days when most of the time only confirmed and reliable health information used to reach you. Your source of this information was through academic journals, books, newspapers, brochures, booklets, pamphlets, or your doctor's and health organizations.  But the growing social media platforms has created hurdles in the reach of genuine information to the masses. Instead what reaches them is health misinformation through social media posts created by people who have no knowledge about health. These are quacks operating. And social media helps spread this misinformation like fire. This is dangerous. It is playing with the lives of people.  Read here: Politicians vs doctors: believe whom? Most of this information is false and not accurate. It can be misleading. Sadly, even governments assist in spread of this misinformation. Most politicians these days are illiterate and shameless who boast about past and have no vision for the present or the future. Moreover, s...

The top hit movies of the USA show a lot of junk food and booze on-screen!

 Healthy eating habits are vital for good health. But we often see that junk food and alcohol are shown in various scenes of several hit movies of the USA. A review study was done of the food content in some 250 popular movies of the USA. And the study authors concluded that the food choices displayed in the movies were so bad that they are far away from the healthy food recommendations.


A new study reviewed the food choices shown in 250 top-grossing movies of the United States. And the study revealed that the majority of the movies show a lot of unhealthy eating. This is not good for society and should be avoided. The scenes portray unhealthy eating choices and these are far away from the dietary recommendations of the health organizations.

Junk food, booze excel in the movies of the USA [Source: Hale Plus Hearty]

The lead author of the study was Bradley Turnwald and he said:

"The overall diet depicted in movies would fail federal guidelines for a healthy diet—not enough fiber, too much-saturated fat and sodium, and … more sugar and three times more alcohol than the average American consumes."

Bradley feels that the negative implications of these displays are big. He added:

"They solidify a norm that unhealthy foods are common and valued in our culture, consumed by famous actresses, role models and even superheroes,"


The study was carried out at the University of Stanford at Stanford in California. Bradley said that previous studies have shown that watching actors and actresses have alcohol on screen leads to earlier binge-drinking among the adolescents. Also, unhealthy snacks also make children choose that snack immediately and continue having it despite its unhealthy nature.

Sugary food choices in USA movies [Source: WebMD]

Bradley also noted that the advertising and commercial entertainment guidelines as regards food and alcohol content are very lax in the USA. This is due to the First Amendment protections that are offered to these ads and entertainment portals for it. He said:

"Producers can essentially show whatever foods they want, regardless of the audience,"

The detailed analysis of the top 250 hit movies from 1994 to 2018 showed that:

1.      40% of beverages shown in the movies were alcoholic. Snacks and sweets were 25% of the foods shown.

2.      94% of the films showed medium to high levels of sugary foods. 93% of these movies depicted medium to high levels of fats and 85% showed medium to high levels of saturated fat. Half of the movies showed medium to high levels of salt.


The movie drinks were categorized as alcohol, water, dairy, coffee/tea, sweetened drinks, 100% juice, diet drinks, infant formula and human milk. And the foods in the films were put into 11 categories namely, dairy, grains, protein, fruits, vegetables, snack/sweets, mixed dishes, fats/oils, condiments/sauces, sugars, or protein and nutritional powders.

Also, read Gabrielle Union and her talk about her mental health

Junk food and movies in the USA [Source: Medical Express]

The foods and beverages shown in the movies fell short of the national nutritional guidelines and this was in terms of saturated fat, sugars, salt, and fiber. Besides, too much booze consumption was shown in the films that are not healthy for society.

Bradley said:

“These findings present an opportunity for movie producers to become more mindful of the types of foods and beverages that they depict in movies.”

“It is about knowing that what is on-screen has the potential to influence tens of millions of viewers, particularly children, and making more of an effort to depict healthier options as the status quo.”

People subconsciously tend to follow and put into practice whatever is shown in the movies and whatever their celebrities are doing on-screen. They do not realize that celebrities are not health professionals. It is known that food choices depend on the character and storyline and culture, era, and location. But still, they could try to make these celebrities role models for healthy behavior. People should also stop imitating these wrong behaviors and think first about their health rather than blindly copying the unhealthy behavior.


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