
Showing posts from December, 2020

Beware of health misinformation!

Remember the good old days when most of the time only confirmed and reliable health information used to reach you. Your source of this information was through academic journals, books, newspapers, brochures, booklets, pamphlets, or your doctor's and health organizations.  But the growing social media platforms has created hurdles in the reach of genuine information to the masses. Instead what reaches them is health misinformation through social media posts created by people who have no knowledge about health. These are quacks operating. And social media helps spread this misinformation like fire. This is dangerous. It is playing with the lives of people.  Read here: Politicians vs doctors: believe whom? Most of this information is false and not accurate. It can be misleading. Sadly, even governments assist in spread of this misinformation. Most politicians these days are illiterate and shameless who boast about past and have no vision for the present or the future. Moreover, s...

FACTS! COVID-19 vaccine offers only 50% protection after first dose and 95% after the second dose!

  It is a word of caution for people who think that once they have the COVID-19 vaccine, they are protected. Many health care workers and those who take the COVID-19 vaccine have tested positive for the virus days after the first of the two doses of the covid-19 vaccine. Matthew W, an ER nurse from California is one such vaccine who became ill after 6 days of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. What could be the reason for it? Matthew W and his coronavirus history On 18 December 2020, Matthew W, an ER nurse at two different local hospitals of California had received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine along with his fellow health care workers. He had posted a message about it on his Facebook page. He had told later ABC 10News that his arm had felt sore for a day. But besides that, he got no other ill-effects of the vaccine. Matthew W [Source: 10 News] On Christmas Eve, Matthew, 45 completed his duty in a COVID-19 unit and then fell ill. First, he had chills and later severe muscle aches an...

Coffee and its health benefits! Tips to get the good of coffee without its ill-effects!

 Coffee is a favorite of millions of people worldwide! They are a fan of coffee and love to have their wonderful cup of coffee daily! It has a multitude of other benefits besides giving a person the much-needed alertness at the workplace or at home! But experts state that there are right and bad times to drink a coffee! More on it below! The health benefits of coffee  People like coffee for its flavor and richness. And they relish it for this. But they also drink when they feel sluggish or fatigued in order to get that alertness level for work; so characteristic of our good old coffee! This boosts their work productivity and is an easy and simple way to do it!  Coffee [Source: Grit Daily] Studies have also revealed that black coffee can improve cognitive skills. It also helps with the digestive process and enhances it so that foods get assimilated and metabolized faster. Additionally, coffee also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. There are also some small-scale studies ...

Are soda drinks your favorite? Then read this and avoid body damage and shortening of life!

 Many of us like and enjoy soda drinks! We all can have it any time of the day; with meals, without meals, for quenching thirst etc. The fizzy drinks add that zing to our lives and hence we do not mind having it. But it has a host of ill-effects on the body including on weight, dentition, muscles and the like. But are you aware that soda drinks can also shorten your life by years? No, then read this to know how!  Soda Drinks and their ill-effects on the body Soda drinks are for every occasion. With food, alone, on the go, during summers, during parties etc. One cannot imagine life without it. People of all ages, countries, religion, gender, race, creed enjoy it. No doubt the multi-national companies that manufacture them are getting a lot of revenue for it!  Soda drinks [Source: Healthline] But these drinks have their share of ill-effects on the body. They can erode the tooth enamel. weaken the muscles, make you feel more hungry and hence put on weight. These are sugar-fi...

COVID-19 vaccines-The prioritization strategy in the various countries of the world!

 Normally it takes years to roll out one vaccine. It happens only after proper and thorough development, testing, and trails. But in the case of covid-19 vaccine, all this was done at top speed and before testing on a larger scale, the vaccines were rolled out in less than a year. These included Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and others in China and Russia. Due to the limited supply of the vaccines, companies and governments are prioritizing those who will get the vaccines. The vulnerable group and the frontline health workers are the first to receive it.  The vaccines for COVID-19  WHO has revealed that there are a number of vaccines that are in the various stages of development. 61 are in the clinical trial phase and 172 are in the pre-clinical testing level. This is the status as of 22 December 2020. And 2 vaccines in the USA, 1 each in China, the UK, and Russia have been provided emergency approval for use in public. They are said to be safe and effective but these have no...

Chris D'elia-The rise and the downfall of the comedian! Know his net worth before and now!

 Hollywood is a great place to be in. The celebrity status is a powerful one but also a very fragile status. Hollywood can make and break people. The celebrity power can also have an impact on one's psychological and emotional condition and this could also indirectly affect the celebrity status and duration. There are some who have talked a lot of crap and yet got away with it. Their career remained unaffected. But then, there are others whose misbehavior did affect their celebrity status negatively and led to their downfall. Chris D'elia is one such celebrity who lost his career to his negative behavior. A look at his rise and fall!  The rise and fall of Chris D'elia Chris D'elia was a great comedian in his early days. He was a highly talented person and even Justin Bieber was his fan. He had a largen number of followers and people who adored him. His career as a standup comedian was great. He was considered the comedian of comedians. Additionally, he was also getting ...

The new fast-transmitting strain of the coronavirus is in the UK and South Africa! Has it reached the USA shores?

    New mutant strains of coronavirus are doing the rounds and spreading in Britain and South Africa. But there is no evidence as yet that it is more deadly than the previous strains. But has this virus reached the USA as well and is causing the infection to spread faster? Considering this, some nations of Europe have already implemented a stricter travel lockdown in order to prevent the spread of this new faster-transmitting virus strains. 501.V2-the new faster-spreading COVID-19 strain There is a new variant of the coronavirus that has been detected in the UK and South Africa. It is causing a fast spread of the virus in the population. But luckily as yet it is not more deadly. Hence, new travel restrictions are in place in Europe in order to stop the spread of this newer variant of the virus. Besides, the USA has also made it mandatory for travelers from the UK to get a negative COVID-19 report before they board a plane to the USA. 501.V2 new mutant strain of coronavir...

Who should be careful about the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines? Problems with allergies and facial fillers!

 The world and especially the USA is raging with COVID-19 infection. In an emergency, USA FDA approved two vaccines for mass immunization; Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. As the vaccine rolled out from the lab to the public, gradually the side-effects and contra-indications are trickling in. The Pfizer vaccine is causing more allergies in people than was expected. Besides, the Moderna vaccine has been found to be unsafe in people with facial fillers!  Walking-a cost-effective exercise!-Read on it here Allergies and Pfizer jab for COVID-19 Operation Warp Speed’s chief scientific adviser, Dr Moncef Slaoui stated that the frequency of allergic reactions with the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine is more than expected. The incidence of allergies found with the new vaccine is more than that with the other jabs used in the past for other diseases. Dr Moncef said that by Tuesday 22 December 2020, 6 cases of allergies to the vaccine had been reported. But more data on it is awaited. He...

Quavo gifts his girlfriend Saweeti a brand new Bentley for Christmas in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic!

Migos rapper Quavo has a pleasant surprise for his girlfriend for this year Christmas amidst the coronavirus pandemic. It is a brand new Bentley and his girlfriend, Saweetie is elated. What an incredible Christmas gift! Quavo and his Christmas gift to his girlfriend The rapper of Migos, Quavo was in great spirits and mood when he thought of gifting his current girlfriend, Saweetie a great present for this Christmas 2020! It is a brand new Bentley. The rapper presented her the gift complete with the red bow tied on the hood. The rapper captured this great moment in the life of the couple on camera and immortalized it on his Instagram Live. Quavo's gift to Saweetie [Source: YouTube] Quavo gave her the surprise gift and Saweetie was totally happy with such a luxurious gift. On the video clip, it can be seen that the sweet girlfriend of the rapper could hardly contain her excitement on seeing the awesome gift. She screamed aloud in joy and excitement before she got into the car ...

Should men do shaving of hair of the armpits? Why?

Excessive hair is androgenic and considered a sign of masculinity. Hence men usually do not shave off the hair from their body parts except maybe from the face. But now increasingly men worldwide are sporting beards of different kinds. They prefer to not shave off their beard. Some religions also prohibit men to shave their beards such as in Sikhism and Islam. Many men cut their scalp hair short during the summer months. They also go clean-shaven as regards the beard. But then what about the hair on the chest and armpits? And in the summer months with the lesser clothes one wears, the armpit hair tends to stand out. So should the armpit area also be shaved? Cranberry juice and benefits in pregnancy!-Read here The general view on armpit hair shaving in men A survey was done of the people to find out whether men should shave their armpits. Most of the participants were in favor of shaving the armpits in men. They said that it is a normal act and essential; at least sometimes. Armpi...

Cranberry juice and its health benefits during pregnancy! Is it safe?

 Cranberry juice is nutritious and has a number of other health benefits. It is loaded with vitamins and minerals. But is it safe to drink it during pregnancy?  Cranberry Juice its health benefits Cranberries and its juice form are rich in vitamins and minerals. They have vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K1, Manganese, and copper. It is a good source of water and also beneficial in urinary tract infections. It prevents the bacteria from sticking to the walls of the ureter and urinary bladder. Hence, harmful pathogens are unable to grow and get flushed out.  Cranberry juice [Source: Medical News Today] The red berries are also rich in antioxidants called Polyphenols. These are also present in the juices of cranberry. They act on the nervous system and brain. They boost brain activity and are also good for the heart.  Though whole cranberries are rich in fiber, the juice of it does not contain fiber. Thus to overcome constipation issues, whole cranberries should be consum...

Victoria Beckham and Robbie Williams had high mercury levels in their blood! What are the signs and reasons of mercury poisoning?

  British singer Victoria Beckham learned the hard way that eating too much fish daily was not good for her body and brain. Last year, Victoria was found to have high levels of mercury in her body and hence was advised to cut down on her fish consumption. Reports state that fish have mercury in them and consumption of too much fish in the daily food could lead to mercury poisoning in the eater. The case was seen in Victoria and she has since reduced fish in her food, a source revealed. Click to read on Sex and sexual reproduction-an enigma!  Victoria Beckham and her mercury poisoning The wife of the legendary football player from the UK, David Beckham, singer Victoria Beckham used to consume a lot of fish in her daily meals. The Spice Girl member loved having fish and also was on a vegetarian diet. But last year, doctors found high levels of mercury in her body and have advised reducing fish in her food. Last year, Victoria was at the posh Lanserhof health spa in Germany...

The mystery of sex and sexual reproduction that even confused Charles Darwin, the father of evolution!

Evolution has always helped the creatures of this world! It has allowed better survival and ways to do it. Evolution has led to the formation of the higher form of animals and humans. The process of replication has also evolved. First, it was the asexual means and in this, an organism divides and produces a progeny. This is seen in bacteria, some plants, and also some animals during certain times. And in the higher forms came the sexual reproduction. In this, two members of the same species have sex and the DNA or genome of the two combine to produce a new genome and life. This concept of sex and sexual reproduction is a mystery for scientists. Even Charles Darwin, the father of evolution was confused with this concept of sex. He wrote in the year 1862:  "We do not even in the least know the final cause of sexuality; why new beings should be produced by the union of the two sexual elements. The whole subject is as yet hidden in darkness." Sexual reproduction [Source: Quora] I...

Emotional and mental effects of the COVID-19 pandemic!

 The coronavirus that originated from Wuhan in China and spread rapidly worldwide has far-reaching implications on humans. The whole world and now especially the USA and Europe are facing the brunt of the pandemic. Some of the effects of the virus such as on the physical being such as illness and death are evident. But there is a silent epidemic of emotional problems ongoing that is still not completely in manifestation but may explode soon.  The emotional impact of COVID-19 pandemic There has been a lot of mental and emotional problems due to the coronavirus pandemic. The young, children, teens, and elderly are particularly affected by it. Loneliness has crept into the lives of people due to the social distancing imposed to curb the virus. Anxiety, apprehension, panic attacks, depression has increased. The mental and emotional presentation is still the tip of the iceberg but a lot of it is still silent and ready to explode in the near future.  Mental health issues COVID-...