Face masking and it's benefits
Face masking started on a universal basis in March 2020 when coronavirus attacked the humans of this world. Besides social distancing, people were advised to wear face masks to limit the transmission of the deadly virus. It was mandatory at that time.
Slowly, as the virus became less virulent and cases dropped, the rule was relaxed. People could go about their daily routine and work without the face mask. But they were advised to put them for their own safety as well as the safety of others around them.
Face mask has other benefits as well. What are these?
Benefits of face mask
1. Coronavirus has not yet vanished from the world. Therefore, face masks continue to have the role of protecting people from this virus. Do not know when it might reattack.
2. There are other serious viruses doing their seasonal rounds and those that can cause grave health issues to humans. These include the HMPV virus that currently has been noticed to cause problems in people. This is the human metapneumo virus. There are chances that more of such grave illness-causing viruses might be a common occurrence in this world due to the ill-effects of global warming that helps such viruses to flourish and emerge and re-emerge.
3. Face masking protects against cold, flu and such viruses that are widespread during the cold months of the year.
4. Face masks protect against dust.
5. Face masks help people with allergies to airborne allergens such as pollens.
6. Face masks can protect from cold during winter. Lips are highly vulnerable to cold effects and can get numb due to it. Face coverings offer protection here.
Whether to wear face mask or not now is your personal choice. There are a significant number of people that continue to wear it.
The best option
I think that one can avoid a face mask when you are with Nature amidst the flora and fauna and away from humans. This may not be valid for allergic individuals.
One can avoid wearing a face mask in less crowded areas.
One should wear a face mask in crowded areas especially during the winters. One should also wear a face mask if someone around you has a cold or respiratory tract infection. In fact, the person having the cold should also wear it to protect others around.
Allergic individuals should wear it when they feel that a particular area or weather or season gives them respiratory allergies.
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If a place is dusty, better to wear a face mask.
Use it when you are cleaning a place of dust or pigeon droppings.
If you are a person who is highly susceptible to cold effects, wear it during cold breezy days to protect your face and lips.
Face masks have their benefits even after the COVID pandemic. Use it wisely and help yourself and others around.
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