Beware of health misinformation!

Remember the good old days when most of the time only confirmed and reliable health information used to reach you. Your source of this information was through academic journals, books, newspapers, brochures, booklets, pamphlets, or your doctor's and health organizations.  But the growing social media platforms has created hurdles in the reach of genuine information to the masses. Instead what reaches them is health misinformation through social media posts created by people who have no knowledge about health. These are quacks operating. And social media helps spread this misinformation like fire. This is dangerous. It is playing with the lives of people.  Read here: Politicians vs doctors: believe whom? Most of this information is false and not accurate. It can be misleading. Sadly, even governments assist in spread of this misinformation. Most politicians these days are illiterate and shameless who boast about past and have no vision for the present or the future. Moreover, s...

Color therapy-the ancient art of healing! Know the science behind it and its current status!


Color as a form of therapy is not a new concept. In it, electromagnetic waves in the form of the visible spectrum (that we interpret as colors) are used to cure various body illnesses. It is an ancient mode of therapy that is being reinvented. There are attempts to elucidate its scientific basis and explanation. This would help to explore and discover newer dimensions of this old remedy.

Color therapy (Chromotherapy)

Newton talked about solid matter and moving objects while Einstein found out that mass and energy are dual expressions of the same universal substance. It is the vibration rate of its molecules that determines its form. When slow, it is physical matter and when the vibrations are intense it is energy. Thus, light is an energy and when it interacts with matter, color is formed. Each color has its own wavelength, frequency, and energy level. And human eye is adapted to see only this energy that has a wavelength between 380-780 nm. This is therefore, the visible spectrum or also called the visible light! These colors are mainly Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red.

The main stream of science and medicine uses surgery or chemicals to treat a person or diseased part of body. But chemicals have known side-effects. The contemporary medicine only treats symptoms and tries to suppress them or alter them. But it does not consider a body as part of the universe that is acting in harmony with it. Thus diseased life energies are ignored. Color therapy tries to target this part of the person and disease and thus complements main stream of medicine.

Chromotherapy (Source: Glow sauna studios) 

We are surrounded by light and these electromagnetic waves and cannot ignore them. In fact, with the rise in use of these energies in the form of cell phones and electronic gadgets their influence on human health has increased. The balance of the energy around us has been changed and we need to set it right with chromotherapy.

Science of color therapy

It is believed that we exist in harmony with the colors around us. Every part of our body has a distinctive color that matches with it and that part functions well with that color. Its vibratory frequency is with that color. When the body stops vibrating in its normal frequency range, it gets diseased and stops functioning well. At that particular time, external vibrations in the form of color can set it right. And here the role of the various colors of chromotherapy comes in. The color helps to restore the normal frequency of the body organ and hence cures the ailment.

Color as a form of treatment (Source: Aetherius) 

This light energy lies between the ultraviolet and infrared wave zones and helps to heal the diseased body part. It affects not only the physical body but also the etheric bodies around our own body. Colors produce electrical impulses and also magnetic waves around them that primarily activate the hormonal and biochemical processes in the body. They either stimulate or suppress their secretions and cause normalization of the tissues.

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The evolution of color therapy

All the old and ancient civilizations of the world have some evidence of use of phototherapy for treatment of various body ailments. Greece, China, Egypt, and India have been using this form of treatment but without knowing the exact basis of it. It probably started as a medicine in 2000 BC. But at that time, only te primary colors namely red, yellow and blue were used. This was also in the form of gems and crystals of various colors that were used for healing purposes. But it could not develop as a proper science.

Avicenna in 980 AD advanced this art of healing further. His thinking was that red made blood move, blue or white cooled it and yellow was good for muscles and inflammation. After him, this art of color therapy remained silent for a while. It was Pleasanton in 1876 who started using blue as the first aid for injuries, aches, and also burns. He also suggested that blue and green can help to increase the quantity and size of grapes and other plant products. Hassan in 1999 also felt the same and used this color extensively in his practice.

Edwin Babbitt made a comprehensive review of this therapy. He stated that red was a stimulant for blood and to a lesser extent for nerves. Yellow and orange were predominantly nerve stimulants. And blue and violet were cool and soothing for all organs and possessed anti-inflammatory qualities. He suggested that red be used for paralysis. Chronic rheumatism, and physical exhaustion, yellow as a purgative and emetic and for bronchial problems, blue for inflammatory disorders, meningitis, sciatica, headaches, sunstrokes, and irritability of any kind. He invented several devices to offer color therapy to his patients. He talked about reflection, absorption, transmission, and polarization of light and cited examples of him healing his patients with various diseases. He made elixirs and also used minerals in his therapy. Thus, he used direct and indirect forms of color for healing.

Ghadiali (1927) carried forward this work. He also talked about color treatment in a more scientific way. He said that color bands are produced when a chemical substance is either burned or vaporized and this emission are the Fraunhauafer lines. This is chemical specific and can be used to identify the chemical with a photospectrometer. Takkata and Ott also contributed towards development of this science.

Overall, color therapy is evolving and is safe, simple, economical and also effective. But until more studies are done, it should be kept as a complementary medicine. Gerard (1970) also studied in-depth of color psychology and used color in treatment of mental ailments.


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