Psychiatrists and psychologists have higher incidence of mental illness in themselves!

Psychiatrists and psychologists treat mental issues of their patients. But what about their own mental illnesses?  Psychiatrists and psychologists are more ill mentally  Doctors   are in great stress during their training as well as career period. The workload, busy and fast life schedules, and higher expectations and competitiveness and the nature of the job itself leads to a sense of exhaustion, both physical and mental. There is a heavy burnout. Moreover, time for socialization is almost nil.  Hence, doctors are in grave risk of suffering from mental health illnesses. And in this, psychiatrists and psychologists have a higher risk and incidence of mental health issues.  It is a sad truth that psychiatrists and psychologists are more ill mentally than general public or other doctors. This has been known but not accepted and recognised sufficiently.  Also, read: Narcissist mothers are non-loving and jealous of their daughters  Studies have revealed that psychiatrists and psychologists

Water content of fruits: Which fruits are more watery and good for summers?

Fruits are delicious, nutritious and provide instant energy. The water content varies. During summer, you need more water and fruits can provide it. Which are the watery fruits good for summers 

Know the water content of fruits in percentage:

A. In alphabetical order 

 1. Apple, Whole unpeeled 83.90 

2. Apricot  86.35 

3. Avocado 74.27 

4. Banana 74.26 

5. Blackberries 86

6. Blueberries 85

7. Cantaloupe 90

8. Carambola (Star fruit) 91

9. Cherries 90

10. Cranberries, dried 12

11. Dates, whole 23

12. Figs, dried 28

13. Grape 81.30 

14. Grapefruit 90.89 

15. Honey dew 90

16. Kiwi, raw and peeled 83

17. Lemons, raw and peeled 89

18. Mangoes, whole and peeled 82

19. Nectarine 86

20. Orange 86.75 

21. Papaya 89

22. Peach 87.66 

23. Pear 83.81 (73-88 depending upon the variety)

24. Pineapple 87

25. Plantain, raw 65

26. Plum 85.20 

27. Prunes, dried 32

28. Raisins 15

29. Raspberries, raw 87

30. Rhubarb 68

31. Strawberries 92

32. Tangerines 88

33. Watermelon 91.51 

B. Order based on decreasing water content 

1. Strawberries 92

2. Watermelon 91.51 

3. Carambola (Star fruit) 91

4. Grapefruit 90.89 

5. Cantaloupe 90

6. Cherries 90

7. Honey dew 90

8. Papaya 89

9. Lemons, raw and peeled 89

10. Tangerines 88

11. Peach 87.66 

12. Raspberries, raw 87

13. Pineapple 87

14. Orange 86.75

15. Apricot  86.35

16. Blackberries 86

17. Nectarine 86

18. Plum 85.20 

19. Blueberries 85

20. Apple, Whole unpeeled 83.90 

21. Pear 83.81 (73-88 depending upon the variety)

22. Kiwi, raw and peeled 83

23. Mangoes, whole and peeled 82

24. Grape 81.30 

25. Avocado 74.27 

26. Banana 74.26 

27. Rhubarb 68

28. Plantain, raw 65

29. Prunes, dried 32

30. Figs, dried 28

31. Dates, whole 23

32. Raisins 15

33. Cranberries, dried 12

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