Beware of health misinformation!

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The body requires a lot of different kinds of food components to keep functioning normally. Often, one or more vital nutrients fall short of the requirements and this leads to certain symptoms and signs. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that the body needs. Its deficiency is common especially in the older age group and in people on plant based foods. But the condition remains undiagnosed. What are the symptoms and signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency that should make one suspect the condition?
Vitamin B12 deficiency in the USA
Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that the body requires for energy production, DNA synthesis, and also for proper brain and nervous system function. Humans procure it from the daily foods. Yet the deficiency is common at all ages. But the absorption of this vitamin decreases with age. Therefore, deficiency of this vital nutrient is more often seen in the older age group. In the USA and in the UK, deficiency of vitamin B12 is found in 20% of those over the age of 60 years. Certain medical conditions also increases the risk of this deficiency. These include malabsorption disorders, certain medical conditions, and also with some vitamin B12 depleting drugs.
The food sources of this vitamin are chicken, beef, liver, fish, shellfish, fortified foods, eggs, low fat milk, yoghurt, and cheese. Vegetables do not have sufficient amounts of this vitamin to meet the needs of the body. Hence deficiency of this vitamin is common in vegans. Normal value of vitamin B12 in blood is above 300 pg/ml. When the level is between 200 to 300 pg/ml, it is borderline vitamin B12 deficiency. And below 200 pg/ml, it is confirmed deficiency.
Symptoms and signs of deficiency
This deficiency is often underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed. The symptoms and signs are nonspecific and laboratory testing to confirm it are available only in urban labs. What are the symptoms and signs that should make one suspect the condition in the high-risk group?
Easy fatiguability
Vitamin B12 assists in red blood cell formation and DNA synthesis. Deficiency of it leads to megaloblastic anemia in which the red cells become larger in size. Oxygen supply to the body tissues is impaired. Due to this, the person feels fatigued.
A common symptom of this deficiency is headache. In 2019, a study found that out of the 140 people studied, 70 had headaches. And the vitamin B12 level in the blood of these patients was lower than that in those who had no headaches.
People with low vitamin B12 in blood are more likely to suffer from mental problems such as depression. This is because the deficiency induces a rise in the sulfur containing amino acid homocysteine and this causes depressive symptoms.
Concentration issues
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People with this deficiency find it difficult to focus. They have mental impairment and find it hard to complete given tasks. This can improve with B12 therapy.
Paresthesia of hands and feet
The deficiency causes burning or pins and needles sensation in the hands and feet. This is due to involvement of the nervous system and its impairment.
Gut symptoms
The deficiency causes abdominal discomfort such as nausea, bloating, loose motions, or constipation.
Mouth and tongue inflammation
The deficiency can cause swelling of tongue (glossitis) and mouth (stomatitis).
Pale skin
The skin of people with B12 deficiency is pale and off color. This is due to the associated anemia in many of the cases.
Read more: Vitamin E and its role in reduction of obesity!
Other symptoms
Patients of this deficiency may also have poor coordination, muscle cramps and weakness, visual disturbances, and erectile dysfunction.
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