Milk in Nepal and India: the difference!

 I have observed that whenever milk ferments when I am in India, the paneer or cottage cheese does not come out easily. Even if I boil it and add lime juice to it, the cheese formed is quite little and more powdery than cheesy.  But when the same happens in Nepal, the cheese formation is immediate, dense and cheesy. I do not have to do more efforts to get cottage cheese out of the milk in Nepal. What is the reason? I checked internet and found some factors that can affect the quality and amount of cheese  1. Freedom from pathogenic bacteria - Good cheese forms of milk is free from pathogenic bacteria. Differences between Nepali vs Indian panipuri  2. Different milk quality with different amounts of fats and proteins  3. Ultra-pasteurization can destroy vital enzymes and bacteria that are required for cheese formation  4. If temperature of milk is less when it ferments, cheese formation will be less.  5. If milk is rancid, it means it's fats are also br...

Unvaccinated group: What they feel and say?

 There is a natural wanderlust in humans. Traveling, exploring new destinations, meeting new people, knowing new cultures, and enjoying nature of the world provide happiness to many. But all this happiness came to a shrieking halt due to the coronavirus pandemic and the associated lockdown. And now the vaccination mandate and restrictions on unvaccinated people has made life difficult for the unvaccinated who love to travel. This us how they feel about the whole thing. 

Coronavirus and the vaccination passports

Covid vaccines are in but they have varying responses. Efficacy and safety studies have shown varied results. It 8s said that they minimize severity of the disease and hospitalization for those infected after vaccination (breakthrough infections). But there are also significant number of people who suffered severely and also died due to covid infection despite vaccination. And on the other hand, there are those who had no or mild symptoms despite having received no vaccination. 

But despite this, governments are pushing for universal vaccinations in order to open businesses and improve economy that slowed down massively with the pandemic. Hence they have mandated vaccination certificates for entry into pubs, cinema houses, for work place, amusement parks, colleges, malls, schools, and also international travel. That means the unvaccinated are prohibited from entering these places or moving across countries without a vaccine certificate. 

Unvaccinated people

The unvaccinated people are not a homogeneous group. Many of them just want to wait for sometime in order to evaluate for themselves the safety of these mRNA vaccines. They do not like to be called anti-vaxxers since they are not against vaccination but would like to be sure of its safety before getting jabbed for themselves. They feel that the covid vaccine is a rushed vaccine without proper and adequate trials. One US counselor states:

“I will continue to wait it out and hope that over time a less desperate and more logical approach will arise,”

"When and if these vaccines are proven safe, I will get one.”

Many are concerned about unknown long-term effects of the vaccine. These people feel that the vaccine mandates are unethical. If forced, they would prefer the inactivated vaccine rather than the mRNA vaccine. 

Some of these are frustrated with these travel requirements but are not angry. They have accepted the fact that these may impact their mobility and even earnings but want to still waiting for longterm results of the vaccine trials. They also feel that these mandates might be short-lived and a change of power might change things. These unvaccinated feel that it 8s actually the vaccinated who cause viral spread and unnecessarily the unvaccinated bear the blame of it. Some are allergic to vaccine ingredients and hence refusing the vaccine. One such person said she feels discriminated adding:

I’m not anti-vaxx — I’ve just done the research.”

She said further:

“The survival rate of catching Covid is so good. I would rather take my chances … than take the vaccine.”

Besides fear and frustration, there are some who are totally indifferent to taking the vaccine. They are dead against it and would not take it at any cost. These people also doubt the vaccine efficacy especially against the new viral mutants. One unvaccinated states:

“I’m really not bothered at all by the various restrictions and protocols that have been put in place for travelers,” 

Some cannot tolerate the face mask too and feel dizzy with it. Some have felt rising resentment and hostility towards the unvaccinated group. 

Fatigue and how to combat it


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