Milk in Nepal and India: the difference!

 I have observed that whenever milk ferments when I am in India, the paneer or cottage cheese does not come out easily. Even if I boil it and add lime juice to it, the cheese formed is quite little and more powdery than cheesy.  But when the same happens in Nepal, the cheese formation is immediate, dense and cheesy. I do not have to do more efforts to get cottage cheese out of the milk in Nepal. What is the reason? I checked internet and found some factors that can affect the quality and amount of cheese  1. Freedom from pathogenic bacteria - Good cheese forms of milk is free from pathogenic bacteria. Differences between Nepali vs Indian panipuri  2. Different milk quality with different amounts of fats and proteins  3. Ultra-pasteurization can destroy vital enzymes and bacteria that are required for cheese formation  4. If temperature of milk is less when it ferments, cheese formation will be less.  5. If milk is rancid, it means it's fats are also br...

Common causes of fatigue and how to combat it?

 Most common causes of extreme fatigue (bone-tired)

1. Stress, depression

2. Inadequate or restless sleep

3. Unhealthy diet

4. Less or excessive exercise. It should just be enough exercise, not more not less. 

5. Other medical conditions such as sleep apnoea, hypothyroidism, prediabetes,diabetes, anemia, urinary tract infection, heart ailment, dehydration, food allergies, fibromyalgia. 

Origin of coronavirus: China or before China?


1. Eat frequently and healthy instead of eating a large meal less number of times in a day. Less of sugars and refined carbohydrates. Eat high fiber foods and drink high potassium drinks. Spinach also has a lot of potassium in it and is good. Reduce fatty food intake. 

2. Exercise, even if you do not feel like. A 15 minute walk will also do wonders. Increase gradually the duration time of exercise

3. Sleep adequately and properly. Change bed directions and your sleeping positions to get a restful nap.

4. Cut down on weight. BMI should be less than 25. 

5. Reduce stress of life. Try to do it even if it appears impossible. 

6. Cut down caffeine. This means less of coffee, tea, cola drinks, energy drinks, chocolates, and even herbal remedies. A month off caffeine are required to know about an improvement. 

7. Counseling and talking therapies help

8. Lessen alcohol intake

9. Drink more water. 

Other natural remedies claimed to help beat fatigue:

1. Hot bath or shower. Two drops of peppermint oil and 4 drops of rosemary oil added to bathwater could help. Even warm water feet soaks helps. One can also soak towels in warm water and apply to body and muscles before sleeping at night for an energetic morning. 

2. Massage

3. Peppermint oil: Take 2 drops on a handkerchief and holding to the nose take a deep breath. 

4. Lie on a slant with head on lower end for sometime. Blood flow to brain increases and it helps combat fatigue.

5. Magnesium (400 mg per day), amino acid carnitine and coenzyme Q10 are good to combat fatigue. Ginseng and Gingko also is said to decrease fatigue.

Consult doctor if condition is prolonged or severe. 


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