Milk in Nepal and India: the difference!

 I have observed that whenever milk ferments when I am in India, the paneer or cottage cheese does not come out easily. Even if I boil it and add lime juice to it, the cheese formed is quite little and more powdery than cheesy.  But when the same happens in Nepal, the cheese formation is immediate, dense and cheesy. I do not have to do more efforts to get cottage cheese out of the milk in Nepal. What is the reason? I checked internet and found some factors that can affect the quality and amount of cheese  1. Freedom from pathogenic bacteria - Good cheese forms of milk is free from pathogenic bacteria. Differences between Nepali vs Indian panipuri  2. Different milk quality with different amounts of fats and proteins  3. Ultra-pasteurization can destroy vital enzymes and bacteria that are required for cheese formation  4. If temperature of milk is less when it ferments, cheese formation will be less.  5. If milk is rancid, it means it's fats are also br...

Types of breads available in the world based on ingredients

Bread is made of wheat. There are different types of reads available in the market. The goodness of these varies. Let us have a look at the types of breads available in the world markets. These types are based on the ingredients used in making bread 

1. Regular white bread-This is made of refined wheat flour. The flour is made of wheat that is stripped of its nutrients and fiber. Some of these breads are fortified with vitamins A and D in line with national food product fortification programs. 

Read here: How to tackle insomnia? 

2. Whole wheat bread-In this, the flour used is made from whole wheat. The bran, germ, and endosperm all three parts of the whole wheat grain are present in the flour used to make this type of bread. Hence it is healthy and nutritious. Its fiber content is more and so are the vitamins and minerals. It is wholesome. 

3. Brown bread- Brown bread is a general term used for brown colored bread. But if need not necessarily be made of whole wheat though people think that the terms brown and whole wheat are interchangeable. But this is not true. Often, one sees that brown bread is made of refined wheat flour and has added caramel in it to give it the brown color. Thus it is not nutritious. In fact, its taste also might not be good due to the bitter caramel. 

Brown bread. It might contain caramel, coffee, or molasses (Source: Wikipedia) 

4. White whole wheat bread-the normal whole wheat bread is darker in color with a coarse texture and a slightly bitter taste. It is made of red wheat. But white whole wheat bread is made of white wheat. Hence it is whiter in color. But its nutrition is preserved. Also it has a softer texture and tastes sweeter than the regular whole wheat bread. 

White whole wheat bread (Source: Super healthy kids) 

Besides this there is the multigrain bread, sweet bread, milk rye, and fruity bread (with tutti - frutti). 


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