Beware of health misinformation!

Remember the good old days when most of the time only confirmed and reliable health information used to reach you. Your source of this information was through academic journals, books, newspapers, brochures, booklets, pamphlets, or your doctor's and health organizations.  But the growing social media platforms has created hurdles in the reach of genuine information to the masses. Instead what reaches them is health misinformation through social media posts created by people who have no knowledge about health. These are quacks operating. And social media helps spread this misinformation like fire. This is dangerous. It is playing with the lives of people.  Read here: Politicians vs doctors: believe whom? Most of this information is false and not accurate. It can be misleading. Sadly, even governments assist in spread of this misinformation. Most politicians these days are illiterate and shameless who boast about past and have no vision for the present or the future. Moreover, s...

Walking and health-a cost-effective way to stay fit! Know the advantages and method!

I feel that: 

"Walking is the best exercise for the body, mind, and soul!"

Here are the reasons why!!!

I get very amused when someone tells me that they are going to the gym or to do a yoga session. And the same person for want of time takes a cab to reach a place that could have been easily walkable. There may be some unsubstantiated benefits of those indoor sessions, but they also come with problems and doubtful benefits. Read this-

Instead of arching your body in all the possible weird directions and spending money on it, why don’t you just do what a human being is meant to naturally do? Just Walk. Walking has been said to be highly useful if performed daily and for 30-40 minutes.


Studies have revealed that there are great benefits associated with daily walking for at least half-an-hour. Walking Groups have come up in the UK and systematic analysis of studies on these groups has shown that walking alone can be effective for maintaining fitness and good overall well-being. Besides, the best thing is that there are no adverse effects of this type of physical activity. It comes naturally with no cost and improves a person’s muscle strength and wellness. It does not require any costly equipment or training and can be done at any place. One can do it any time of the day. Even a walk down to one’s office can be considered as a form of exercise. If the office is far, one can get off the public transport one stop before and then walk down that one stop to home or work. If one walks in a group, one can turn the exercise into an enjoyable social time.

Walking and health benefits [Source: Insider]

Walking through a forest area or wild area has added psychological benefits. Walking is a cost-effective way to remain slim and fit. The only limitation could be the lack of an open proper space to walk. Besides, it may not be advisable to go walking in places where the air pollution index is high. In these cases, the harm would outweigh the risks. But there is a way out of this issue. One can walk up and down at one’s home. As long as walking is done for the prescribed period of time, it is okay even if it is done indoors.


As stated above, walking is best for your health. Even if due to time constraints or physical limitations, one cannot walk for 30 minutes per day, remember that even a little is good. But the more you can, the better it is. One can start with 10 minutes a day and gradually increase. Or one can even start with walking for 10 minutes three times a day and later combine it and make it into one 30 minutes walk. A 2017 study on inactive women showed that even as little as 75 minutes of walking per week improved their fitness level remarkably compared to the non-exercising group. Normal or brisk walking both is good. One does not have to do vigorous and prolonged exercises to stay fit. Just simple walking can be useful.

Walking [Source: UHC Newsroom]

Walking has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and lungs. It strengthens the bones and reduces the excess body fat. It improves balance and helps in weight loss. It boosts one’s muscle power and endurance. It helps prevent bone and joint disorders, especially in obese individuals. It reduces the chances of developing heart and arterial diseases, stroke, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, type 2 diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, joint and muscle pain and stiffness, and could also help in the management of these diseases. It is a good form of exercise for those who are overweight, aged and have been used to a sedentary lifestyle. A dog walk can also be done daily. Use the stairs and not the lift. And do not use your private vehicle to shop at the local stores; walk down to purchase your little daily foodstuff.


For gym workouts, you need to remove some time out of your daily routine to attend the sessions. If you have busy schedules, it might be difficult. The gym membership also needs money and if you are investing in a home gym, that also is a costly affair. Besides, the gym equipment is expensive and requires maintenance as well. Sometimes, the equipment might be faulty and gym injuries are also known. Too much of strenuous and overzealous exercises might harm the body rather than benefit it.

Walking in forest area or wild [Source: The NY Times]

Cochrane analysis of yoga has not shown it to be useful. It might have a placebo effect. You may feel that it is helping because a celebrity or a politician told you so. But in reality, it may not be actually giving you well-being. Besides, injuries have been documented with yoga especially in those who have never done it in the past.

Incorporate walking in your daily routine. Keep it to your comfortable level that may be different for different people. Step it up gradually and one can increase the time and speed of walking. One can walk uphill or walk with hand weights. A pedometer can be used to measure the steps. 10k per day should suffice. This pedometer will be useful if you are walking indoors. Use the right kind of footwear and they should be comfortable with arch and heel supports. Walking on grass or a soft area is better than walking on concrete. Make walking interesting and enjoyable and reap its benefits!

Update: And a new study has said that even 11 minutes of walking per day lessen the undesirable effects of sitting for hours and sedentary lifestyle. 


1.       Hanson S, Jones A. Is there evidence that walking groups have health benefits? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med. 2015 Jun;49(11):710-5. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2014-094157.

2.       Song C, Ikei H, Park BJ, Lee J, Kagawa T, Miyazaki Y. Psychological Benefits of Walking through Forest Areas. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Dec 10;15(12):2804. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15122804. Erratum in: Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Feb 18;17(4): PMID: 30544682; PMCID: PMC6313311.

3.       Freeman E, Akhurst J, Bannigan K, James H. Benefits of walking and solo experiences in UK wild places. Health Promot Int. 2017 Dec 1;32(6):1048-1056.

4.       Tainio M, de Nazelle AJ, Götschi T, Kahlmeier S, Rojas-Rueda D, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, de Sá TH, Kelly P, Woodcock J. Can air pollution negate the health benefits of cycling and walking? Prev Med. 2016 Jun;87:233-236.

5.       Lange RM, Nies MA. Benefits of walking for obese women in the prevention of bone and joint disorders. Orthop Nurs. 2004 May-Jun;23(3):211-5.


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