Beware of health misinformation!

Remember the good old days when most of the time only confirmed and reliable health information used to reach you. Your source of this information was through academic journals, books, newspapers, brochures, booklets, pamphlets, or your doctor's and health organizations.  But the growing social media platforms has created hurdles in the reach of genuine information to the masses. Instead what reaches them is health misinformation through social media posts created by people who have no knowledge about health. These are quacks operating. And social media helps spread this misinformation like fire. This is dangerous. It is playing with the lives of people.  Read here: Politicians vs doctors: believe whom? Most of this information is false and not accurate. It can be misleading. Sadly, even governments assist in spread of this misinformation. Most politicians these days are illiterate and shameless who boast about past and have no vision for the present or the future. Moreover, s...

Why is vaccination rate in population and health care workers in the USA still below 70%?

USA has set a vaccination rate of 70% to be achieved in order to get the pandemic under control. But this rate has not reached in the population as well as the health care workers. A significant number have refused the vaccine. Though the vaccination is voluntary, people who refuse it are losing their jobs in hospitals? Is this move justified? 

Vaccination rate and health care workers 

Health care workers and frontline workers who came in direct contact with patients were high risk and first to be vaccinated in the USA. But a recent survey showed that a significant number of the staffs have refused vaccination. A survey conducted by USA Today in 276 hospitals (4.5% of the country's hospitals) showed that the fully vaccinated rate was 53 to 72% in hospital networks and 51 to 91% in 15 public hospitals of the US. Rural hospitals have even lesser vaccination rates.

Covid vaccine (Source: Pinterest) 

The target of 70% of Joe Biden by 4 July seems to have become impossible. Stacey Gabriel, the chief executive officer of the 80-bed Hocking Valley Community Hospital in Logan, Ohio revealed:

“I think it’ll be a bit of a struggle to get to that 70-to-75% vaccination rate,” 

Only 50% are fully vaccinated at this hospital. Hospital administrators and field officers reveal that there was an initial rush. This was followed by a plateau and then a dramatic fall in demand. 

Voluntary or mandatory vaccination? 

To get vaccinated or not is voluntary but it is being pushed on some health care workers. They are forced to leave the jobs for refusing the vaccine. Houston Methodist CEO Marc Boom says:

“It’s the right thing to do,”

“It puts patients first. It puts hospitals in a leadership position from a safety perspective.” 

CDC has said that half of adults in the USA are now vaccinated. But though saying it is voluntary, the people are indirectly pressurized to take the vaccine. Lawyers and hospital administration says it is legal to mandate. 

Read also,  Diet during and after covid 

Patrick J. Brennan, an infectious disease doctor and the chief medical officer for the University of Pennsylvania Health Systems states:

“I think that could leave a reservoir of vulnerable people out there,” 

Reason for vaccine refusal 

People who are refusing the vaccine are concerned about the longterm consequences of the vaccine. They feel that the vaccine trials were inadequate and the approval for them are for emergency reasons. It is not a full approval. Hence they currently do not want to have this incompletely tried vaccine for  themselves and their loved ones. Additionally, if anything goes wrong, state will not take any responsibility for it. Some highly religious people are not taking the vaccine for religious reasons and call it the mark of the beast. There are the issues of adverse effects as well with some vaccines and many suspect that a cover up is being done on it. Nurse Jennifer Bridges says:

“A lot of physicians are being told to not report it,” 

Melissa Fisher, 53, a caretaker says:

“We have a freedom of choice in this country. That’s what our forefathers fought and died for, and right now I think it’s being taken away from us with this vaccine,”

For that matter, 43% of Republicans versus 5% of Democrats plan not to take the vaccine, a recent April 2021 Monmouth University poll reveals. Some centers held education programs campaigns to increase but these efforts proved futile. 


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