Beware of health misinformation!

Remember the good old days when most of the time only confirmed and reliable health information used to reach you. Your source of this information was through academic journals, books, newspapers, brochures, booklets, pamphlets, or your doctor's and health organizations.  But the growing social media platforms has created hurdles in the reach of genuine information to the masses. Instead what reaches them is health misinformation through social media posts created by people who have no knowledge about health. These are quacks operating. And social media helps spread this misinformation like fire. This is dangerous. It is playing with the lives of people.  Read here: Politicians vs doctors: believe whom? Most of this information is false and not accurate. It can be misleading. Sadly, even governments assist in spread of this misinformation. Most politicians these days are illiterate and shameless who boast about past and have no vision for the present or the future. Moreover, s...

Whatsapp is harmful for body and brains! Know how!

 People are hooked to whatsapp and Facebook these days. It appears that they cannot live without it. It has become like air, food and water for them: so essential. People are crazy about it and tend to overuse it. But with every technology that is introduced come also its good and bad points. Let us go through them.

Good points of whatsapp

Everyday there are 12 billion messages sent to and fro on whatsapp. People share news, information, photos, class-notes, and discuss on whatsapp. They keep in touch via this media. It has become a major platform to share world news with each other. 51% of people in Malaysia in one survey said that they use it for news sharing. Documents and images go through easily on whatsapp and also instantly. The notification ring alerts one to a new incoming message and it can be read within a few seconds of landing on one's cellphone. 

The voice and video calls have made the world small for family and friends and they can easily talk with their loved ones across the globe in a split second. Thus they can stay connected. Thus distance does not matter and especially the aged population do not feel lonely due to this technology. 

Learning has been made easy and teachers now circulate notes, pictures, and videos via this social media for their students. And now with Covid pandemic, this helped in virtual training and e-learning. 

The media seems to be secure and safe and there are no ads to irritate one. Businesses also flourish due to it as people can reach out to clients and sort out problems easily. 

Sexual activity and weight: The connection

The negative points of whatsapp

Whatsapp is not devoid pf negative points. In fact, there are ample of them. 

It tends to get overused and make one an addict of it. It needs real self-control to minimize the use of whatsapp to the bare needed. It is so easy that using it more happens naturally and without one's realization especially during the lockdown time of this pandemic. 

Whatsapp and its ills (Source: Pinterest)

Repeated incoming messages could be a cause of distraction. This could lead to lack of concentration and focus and work could go wrong. This could affect also the education of teenagers and children. 

Though whatsapp connects people, it also leads to social isolation. The personal touch disappears and one starts living in a virtual world. This could be detrimental in the long run and also cause mental problems. Besides, ghosting and no replies are common on this platform and could deeply and badly hurt the sensitive people who are idle, lonely, and depend on this sort of communication fully. Aggression and anger or depression might seep in. 

Also, such virtual communication makes a person lose confidence of talking in public and speech-related issues could crop up. 

Due to constant chatting, one tends to shorten many words and these could get imbibed into education and hamper proper learning. One's language and word spellings go haywire and lead to confusion in mind of all especially youngsters. 

Health issues also erupt and could become serious enough to require medical attention. These include sleep deprivation and hence tiredness, insomnia, eye straining, digit problems, exacerbations of arthritis and the like. Texting in the dark for long hours also causes retinal detachments. Additionally, appearance of horny bony projections called horns at base of brain on x-rays are seen due to constant head-bent downwards position during texting. 

Sexting, inappropriate messaging and sexual predating and such crimes increase with whatsapp use. There is no censorship on what people share on whatsapp until now. This is due to the end-end encryption. Blue films, porns, and other prohibited materials could get shared easily and secretly leading to their ill-consequences in the adolescent group. Money frauds also happen on this media. 

Thus whatsapp has a lot of negative points that should limit its use. Use it sparingly and only when required as an emergency. Rest of the time, phone calls, emails, and personal communication is advisable with better outcomes for both the sender and the receiver. Why not give it a try to cut down on whatsapp use for a healthy you and society?



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