Beware of health misinformation!

Remember the good old days when most of the time only confirmed and reliable health information used to reach you. Your source of this information was through academic journals, books, newspapers, brochures, booklets, pamphlets, or your doctor's and health organizations.  But the growing social media platforms has created hurdles in the reach of genuine information to the masses. Instead what reaches them is health misinformation through social media posts created by people who have no knowledge about health. These are quacks operating. And social media helps spread this misinformation like fire. This is dangerous. It is playing with the lives of people.  Read here: Politicians vs doctors: believe whom? Most of this information is false and not accurate. It can be misleading. Sadly, even governments assist in spread of this misinformation. Most politicians these days are illiterate and shameless who boast about past and have no vision for the present or the future. Moreover, s...

Warning: Vipassana is injurious to health

 Vipassana came to India from Myanmar. It is a philosophy that was propagated here by SN Goenka. But the basics and fundamentals of this spiritual practice are wrong. There is no science it and nothing per se has been proven. In fact, it is disastrous for humankind and society because it is against the very human nature: the nature that all of us are born with. 

Humans,  their nature, positive and negative feelings

Humans are born with certain natural feelings and reactions. These are virtues or vices. They like to be in groups and have a sense of belonging. They want to share and communicate and socialize. As long as this helps society without creating friction it is good. This means one has to keep these activities under limits and not overdo it. One needs to balance it so that self and society is helped without harming self or anyone else. 

Vipassana injurious to health (Source: Quora) 

And as regards the vices, one needs to overcome and conquer these demons and strive to become good individuals. Virtues should be valued and vices conquered. This training has to commence from childhood days and needs to be reinforced I to adulthood with proper societal rules and laws and their implementation. 

Such a utopian state of affairs is rarely found in the world but efforts to have it should continue. 

Why Vipassana is disastrous? 

Vipassana teaches people to become islands. They say that one should remain detached and not react because reaction makes a person unhappy. One should be at peace with self. 

If a person becomes detached, how will a family and society function? How will consideration, sensitivity, kindness, and compassion come in? And if there is no reaction, how will people understand a person's thinking? And not showing a reaction on face does not mean that one is not reacting inside? The inside reaction comes in naturally but you are trying to kill it. Or you are having the reaction but moving away from the place so that people do not know that you are reacting. It all looks so funny. Such abnormal and weird behaviors I have seen in loyal returnees of Vipassana. These are the people who go there every year and promote it to the gullible people. In short, they are the walking-talking advertisers of Vipassana. 

Nose flutes and nose whistles 

This is not observed in people who go for Vipassana for one time experiment just out of curiosity. Of course, many of these do not promote it later on and do not follow it in their everyday life. These people are normal. 

That implies, the loyal vipassana followers end up with a weird condition wherein they react in silence or are fighting with themselves to remain detached from someone including family members. They are sometimes like normal human beings and sometimes totally abnormal. This runs the risk of converting these people into bipolar individuals. 

Vipassana and sages

Vipassana is to be done by sages and saints. But to teach a normal society and family human being about Vipassana would be injurious to the person, his family, and society. Detachment and non-reaction can never be part of a sane society. Non-communication can never help development of a society. 

Effective adequate communication with preserved sensitivity and conquering of vices with achievement of a virtuous life is all that is needed for a peaceful and happy society. Vipassana is not a requirement of a society and can continue to give training to sages but not a society human being. 


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