Milk in Nepal and India: the difference!

 I have observed that whenever milk ferments when I am in India, the paneer or cottage cheese does not come out easily. Even if I boil it and add lime juice to it, the cheese formed is quite little and more powdery than cheesy.  But when the same happens in Nepal, the cheese formation is immediate, dense and cheesy. I do not have to do more efforts to get cottage cheese out of the milk in Nepal. What is the reason? I checked internet and found some factors that can affect the quality and amount of cheese  1. Freedom from pathogenic bacteria - Good cheese forms of milk is free from pathogenic bacteria. Differences between Nepali vs Indian panipuri  2. Different milk quality with different amounts of fats and proteins  3. Ultra-pasteurization can destroy vital enzymes and bacteria that are required for cheese formation  4. If temperature of milk is less when it ferments, cheese formation will be less.  5. If milk is rancid, it means it's fats are also br...

USDA's FSIS has issued a public health warning! They should not consume the raw frozen New Orleans-roasted chicken wings that are imported from China!

 There is a new health warning from the US Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). It has stated that the raw frozen New Orleans-roasted chicken wings that are imported from China have a false USDA mark of inspection label on them.

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FSIS and its new public health warning

The US Department of Agriculture’s FSIS wing has notified the public that it should not purchase the raw frozen New Orleans-roasted chicken wings that are imported from China. It carries a false label of USDA mark of inspection. The concerned authorities have not certified it as safe but it still has the mark on it.
The product [Source: WPXI]

FSIS stated that they have not put in any request for the recall of the product since the product is no longer in the market for purchase. But those who have purchased it and it is in store with them at home should not consume it but report to the nearest branch of FSIS.

FSIS stated that Di-Da Di-Da USA Corp., a business based in Saratoga, California, received the ineligible imported frozen chicken wings from China to the USA and put it up for retail sale.

The labels on the bags read:

“600-gram bags of “Chicken Arrived, Organic Chicken, NEW ORLEANS- ROASTED CHICKEN WINGS”

And the “Best before” date is 09/19/2021 written in Mandarin.

More about this product

FSIS has revealed that the products were shipped to the USA from China and one retail location received it. Later, it was further distributed to 20 retailers in California, Oregon, and Washington. The label has a false USDA mark of inspection bearing “P-40478”. But the stated establishment number does not exist with FSIS and hence is a fake one. Someone has forged it.

FSIS has stated that they discovered the problem when they got a complaint of a product that is suspected to have been illegally imported. FSIS conducted an investigation into this matter and found that the product was ineligible. It was misbranded and the label was a false one.

Until now, there have been no adverse effects reported as regards the product after consumption.

The agency is concerned that some of the products might be in the deep freezers of people waiting to be consumed. But it has warned the people to please check the label and if it is the above-mentioned fake label, then to please discard the product. However, they can call toll-free USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline at 1-888-MPHotline (1-888-674-6854) or do a live chat with the officials via Ask USDA from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET Monday through Friday.

USDA [Source: KCBD]


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