Taste vs nutrition: what to eat?

In the olden days, humans used to eat raw foods. Over time, they learnt the art of making fire and cooking. Now, people eat mostly cooked foods. They discovered spices and herbs and began their culinary use for aroma and taste.  This has further reached a stage where people prefer processed and ultra processed foods that are easily available in supermarkets. This could be due to lack of time and laziness, but many also prefer these foods due to the taste factor.  But when we look for tasty foods, somewhere along the way we are opting for less nutritious foods. So what should one prefer; tasty foods or nutritious foods? Tasty foods Most tasty foods are made of refined flour, unhealthy fats, and sugary base. These are artificially flavored and colored. Other additives are added to enhance texture and make foods more palatable.  Most of these foods are mass prepared and have added preservatives to increase their shelf life.  All this leads to these foods being stripped of their nutrition.

Succulents: How to decide, plant, and grow succulents indoors?

 Succulent plants are those that are adapted for desert growths where water is scarce. Hence they have fleshy thickened leaves and swollen stems that are able to store water in them. These plants can also tolerate drought and can survive even on dew and mist. These plants belong to a number of botanical families and come in a variety of colors and leaf shapes. Their features of leaves also vary. Some have thorny or toothed edges and some have dots of designs of various colors on the leaves. But they make a great choice for indoor plants and are very low-maintenance plants. 

Also, read https://lifensocietyblog.blogspot.com/2020/11/celebrities-back-and-invest-in-cannabis.html

Greenery and succulent plants
Succulent plants [Source: Gardening Express]

Succulent plants add to the greenery of a place including the deserts. More and more people are opting for succulents to make their homes greener and more beautiful than without them. It is a well-known fact that greens in the house give the whole area a great look and are also pleasing and nice for one's nature. It calms down people and has a soothing and healing effect on the mental state. Besides, taking care of these plants takes away some of the time of the person's life and is good for retired people and those who are alone. It keeps these people occupied and helps to make them feel useful in life. 

List of succulent plants and their living conditions

Cacti are a type of succulents but not all succulents are cacti. There are many other types of succulents that one can grow indoors. These include Jade plant, the crown of thorns, snake plant, medicine plant (aloe vera), Christmas Kalanchoe, panda plant, string of pearls, string of bananas, pebble plant, Burro's tail, and the like. 

Succulent plants [Sourcce: Amazon]

Succulents can grow even with limited water resources. They thrive best in warm and dry climates and can withstand even little neglect. Most of them grow better in direct sunlight. However, the snake plant can tolerate a shaded area. The string of bananas variety of plants is good to be grown in hanging pots or baskets. 

How to plant and take care of succulents

Once you have chosen the variety of succulents that you feel will be good for your home, you have to choose the right pot and soil for it. The pot should have a drainage area so that there is adequate drainage and the soil does not become too water-logged. Also, the soil should be porous and more sandy. It should be coarse enough to allow for good drainage and aeration. 

Having well-potted your plant, keep the plant in a sunny area of the house. If the light is inadequate, the leaves would seem to be stretching towards the sun. They require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. Watering should be just enough and not more because if the soil has a lot of moisture in it, the plant will die. 

The string of bananas [Source: The Succulent Source]

Fertilize the soil at least once a year. You can do it in spring or late summer. During winter, these plants are semi-dormant and hence need no boost of fertilizers. 

One can also grow succulents from seeds but it takes at least a year to show an appreciable growth. The planter may lose patience and hence it is best to use the plant itself to reproduce new growth. The lower leaves of the plant may wither off and this is normal. 

Happy planting and growing! 


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