
Showing posts from June, 2024

Taste vs nutrition: what to eat?

In the olden days, humans used to eat raw foods. Over time, they learnt the art of making fire and cooking. Now, people eat mostly cooked foods. They discovered spices and herbs and began their culinary use for aroma and taste.  This has further reached a stage where people prefer processed and ultra processed foods that are easily available in supermarkets. This could be due to lack of time and laziness, but many also prefer these foods due to the taste factor.  But when we look for tasty foods, somewhere along the way we are opting for less nutritious foods. So what should one prefer; tasty foods or nutritious foods? Tasty foods Most tasty foods are made of refined flour, unhealthy fats, and sugary base. These are artificially flavored and colored. Other additives are added to enhance texture and make foods more palatable.  Most of these foods are mass prepared and have added preservatives to increase their shelf life.  All this leads to these foods being stripped of their nutrition.

Swimming pools and seas are not for me!!!

I love swimming but I think swimming is not for me. Everytime I have waded into water, I have landed with some serious illnesses.  Hepatitis A I was small and in school when my father decided to take me swimming along with him. He was good in swimming and diving. I accompanied him for a few weeks. But I developed fever, yellowish discoloration of urine and yellow sclera. I was diagnosed with hepatitis A.  An analysis of the possible causes was done. I used to never eat or drink outside. My parents were very strict on it. For school, I used to carry boiled and filtered water from home in a plastic water bottle. I used to have home cooked food at school lunch time: bread butter, bread milkmaid, bread jam or rice with curd. Then from where did I contract the bad virus? Further investigations pinpointed to the swimming pool as the likely cause of my illness. I recovered slowly with my parents' love, care and nutritious diet. But my return to the swimming pool was halted. Dad too stoppe